Chapter 2: How It All Began

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     As I continued to walk alongside the empty road, I allowed a memory to take its place in my thoughts.

" Hey Ringo, I just had the strangest dream," I remember myself saying.

" I told you not to eat on an empty stomach, now listen to Old Fred," Ringo had told me.

Ah, this memory was always a good one. At least it was a much better one to start of my stroll through memory lane with. I'm pretty sure that I'll never forget that trip to Pepperland. How could I?

" You surprise me Ringo."

" Why?"

" Dealing in abstracts?" 

Oh, that fun little conversation we had while we went through the sea of time. I always thought that he was cute whenever he got younger.

I sigh as I remember all of the seas that we visited on our journey.

The sea of nowhere provided something interesting to think about. Oh, what was his name again? Jer... Jerold? No, that doesn't sound right. 



Jeremy! Yes, that's correct. 

Jeremy Hillary Boob Ph.D.

He was a smart little fellow, especially for his size. So smart that he was able to fix the submarine's motor without electrifying himself, unlike George. 

Ringo had let him aboard the submarine afterwards.

The Foothills of the Headlands was certainly an interesting place as well, even though that was were the submarine had left us behind. 

Silly ol' Jeremy. I suppose that even geniuses have to make mistakes as well.

" Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds!" I had sung. To be honest, I don't even now what I was singing about. Sure, I was singing to a woman I had met while there, but really, what was I singing?

" Where rocking-horse people eat marshmallow pies!" 

God, I must have been high or something. Maybe.

Anyways, the sea we visited after that was were Jeremy was captured. 

I've always wondered, why did the blue meanie capture him instead of one of us? Was it because of our size? I don't know.

Now, it is Pepperland that I remember the most of. 

When we arrived there, everything was grey. The ground, the sky, the people, everything was grey. Blue meanies were all around, occasionally using their tactics to scare the people into submission. 

When we started singing our hearts out, that was when something began to happen. Not just to Pepperland, but to me as well. Paul was affected in the same way, too.

As Pepperland became the colorful and peaceful paradise that it was supposed to be and the blue meanies turned over a new leaf, the two of us felt something... new.

Love. Not friendship. Love.

During the big celebration we had afterwards, I led Paul to a tree, far away from the center of the party.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band wasn't in there usual performing spot nearby, giving us complete privacy. I wonder if my alter-ego felt the same about Paul's alter-ego as well. 

Anyways, when I had Paul standing in front of the tree, facing me, he asked me something.

" John, do you feel somethin'... different?" He asked me in a cute, quiet voice.

" Yes, Macca, I do," I replied in a deep tone. I saw him blush. 

I placed a hand on the side of his face as he placed his on my outstretched arm.

" Oh John," he whispered when I leaned in. 

We kissed. His eyes were closed as mine were half open, staring at his beautiful face.

I do not know how long we stayed there. However, when we heard two pairs of footsteps approaching, I pulled away. 

George and Ringo were walking towards us.

" Ya two don't have to be nervous, we're experiencing the same thing too," George said.

Paul giggled nervously, turning his head away in embarrassment. 

" Oh, really? You and Ringo?" I asked.

Ringo nodded.

After that, we went back to the party.

I sigh. 

If I had known what those events would have led to, I would probably still be sleeping back at the mansion right now. But, now's not the time to stop. I had put this off for long enough and...

I focus my gaze forwards as I turn a corner, not even bothering to check any road signs. I have lived in Liverpool long enough to know how to get anywhere without directions.

The new street I was on was just as empty as the last one. I put my hands In my pockets

I still have a long way to go. Who knows what memory will occupy me next?

I just hope that I have enough strength in me to continue.

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