Chapter 6 - Classes Begin

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The next day, classes began.

Selena's first class was with Professor Wizgiz, a very short man with a pointed nose, hat, and shoes. He had long, pointy ears and bushy reddish-brown sideburns. His accent was funny to Selena's ears, never having heard something like it. 

"Welcome to your first class of the year — something I've named The Basics of Magic. In case you were unaware, Alfea is set on a 5-year program. By then, most of you are expected to have mastered your fairy powers, and earned your final fairy forms."

"In my class, you will learn all the wonders of basic spells — without those, you can't even hope to achieve more powerful ones!" He snapped his fingers, creating a long white beard on himself

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"In my class, you will learn all the wonders of basic spells — without those, you can't even hope to achieve more powerful ones!" He snapped his fingers, creating a long white beard on himself. He rubbed it thoughtfully, saying, "Ta-da!"

Some girls laughed mockingly, while others were impressed. Selena leaned forward, intrigued.

Then he hopped up on the desk, letting the white beard trail onto the floor. "Our first exercise is simple: change somethin' of your appearance, just as I did. Try to alter the color of your hair!"

He snapped again and all at once, dozens of handheld mirrors appeared in front of all the girls' desks. Some gasped in surprise. Selena carefully took hers in her hand, looking at herself through the shiny glass.

Okay. Remember some of your training back at home. Selena narrowed her eyes, concentrating on her hair. She let herself imagine it in pink... no, blue! Like Cyan's hair. 

It took awhile, and she was one of the last few to get it. Finally, her hair shone with a bright glow and lifted up. It turned a vibrant blue before falling down across her back once more. She sighed in relief, happy she hadn't totally missed the mark. 

"Not all of you were able to do it, and that's alright!" Wizgiz said cheerfully, making all of the mirrors disappear. "We will get you to where you need to be. Now, girls... make yer hair turn back!"

Selena glanced over at Brittany, who shrugged; her own hair had been magically changed to a neon green. "I had to leave halfway through this class last year," she admitted with a giggle. "Forgot how to do that."

Most of the girls struggled and asked for their mirrors back; they couldn't do it without looking. Wizgiz chuckled and redistributed the mirrors, stating, "One day you won't need to see everything in order to change it — even more than just changin' yer hair!"

Relieved to have the mirror back in her hands, Selena narrowed her eyes at her reflection. It was pretty funny, seeing herself with bright blue hair. She concentrated and pictured her hair back to its sleek, dark brown; in a few moments, it returned to its natural state, not forgetting its pink highlights on the bangs. 

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