Chapter 10: Red Fountain

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[long chapter as an apology for the delay in updating hehe. much luv to you all! <3]


"Oh come onnnn, you can afford a day off studying!" 

Brittany was saying this as she leaned over Selena who was on her bed, a book to her nose. Selena snorted in exasperation. 

"I can't! That midterm... I have no idea what to do!" She retorted. "You'd better be studying, too — it's not too far from now!"

"But it's a Friday afternoon, silly. Nobody's studying at an hour like this!" Brittany threw up her hands dramatically in response. "C'mon, I told you — there's a Specialist competition today at Red Fountain. An open event. We gotta go see it!"

"Yeah— we're going, too!" 

Both Selena and Brittany looked over at the new voice. Spark had poked her head in, grinning. She pointed to Nani and Cyan who stood behind her, looking sheepish at the attention. 

"Ugh... all of you are?" Selena frowned and dropped her book, propping herself up on the bed. "Well... alright, I guess so."

"It'll be fun!" Brittany pushed, helping Selena stand up. "Plus, we've never seen the school up close before, and there might be some cuties there. Remember that boy who couldn't take his eyes off you at the dance?"

"Very clearly," Selena huffed, cheeks reddening. 

Brittany giggled and bumped her shoulder. "Well, maybe you can find him and talk to him again!"

Selena shook her head. "Boys are one of the last things I wanna think about right now."

"That's the thing — they sneak up on ya anyway," Brittany mused, spinning around the room. "C'mon, if we leave now, we might be able to catch them warming up. Let's goooo!"

Rolling her eyes, Selena went to go get changed. She could hardly keep her mind off the midterms, even though they were still a few weeks away. But... maybe her friends were right. This could be a welcome distraction from her nerves. 

Donning a nice casual outfit, Selena stepped out into the room. Brittany had already booked them some tickets on the Magix bus in the time it took Selena to change; excitedly, the girls followed each other down the steps and onto the bus. 

The ride to Red Fountain was amusing; there were many Alfea girls and other citizens of Magix who took the bus ride out, on their way to view the competition as well. Pleasantly surprised, the chatter became background noise as Selena watched the scenery roll by outside the window.

Guess this event is a bigger deal than I thought...

Finally, they approached the school. At the entrance was a team of Specialists and Wizards ready to greet the incoming guests. They were quite nice as they welcomed the Blix Club in with big smiles and hearty greetings. 

They all looked up in amazement, admiring the school. This was the first time any of them had officially visited the place; otherwise, they'd only seen it from afar. It was a massive fountain, hence the name, colored a ruby red. Way up high, where the edges of the fountains touched the clouds, was their destination. The dorms, training rooms, and classrooms for the boys were all within the skinnier base of the giant fountain, while the performance area was at the very top. 

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