2 - Girl With Blue Hair?

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The girl tilted her head, eyes flicking between Brittany and Selena. "Um, hi... is this Room 302?"

Selena straightened up, realizing how much she'd been standing there awkwardly. She broke into a smile and nodded, waving the girl inside. Both her and Brittany watched as she stepped in, gracefully light on her feet as if she were floating. 

The girl's hair was a vibrant sky-blue, like if you could capture the hue into a single tone on a clear midday. It flowed in bouncy waves with angular bangs framing her face and a single curl atop her forehead. Set against her pale skin were deep violet eyes, similar to the tinges of purple within a sunset. She wore an indigo long-sleeve turtleneck with cold shoulder opening, long bootcut jeans, and dark sandals. Just from standing by her, Selena could sense some sort of immense power within. 

"So you must be our roommate!" Brittany finally broke the brief silence, making everyone turn to each other

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"So you must be our roommate!" Brittany finally broke the brief silence, making everyone turn to each other.

"Looks like it. I'm Cyan," the blue-haired girl replied. She offered a friendly smile.

Oh, she's the queen... Way to embarrass myself in front of her, too, Selena thought to herself.

"I'm Brittany, and this is Selena." Brittany waved her hand respectively before settling it back on her hip.  "We were just talking about who'd we be with this year. It's great to meet you!"

"You as well." Cyan threw her bags down on a bed and turned back to the girls. "It's my first year here at Alfea."

"Really?" Selena and Brittany glanced at each other. 

"Yep. I've had to start late — queenly training and all." She waved her hand dismissively with a single laugh. "Ah, I should probably clarify — on my home planet, Olympia, I was just crowned queen last year. I was sixteen then, when I should've been sent here instead... but desperate times had called for desperate measures."

"That's incredible," Selena breathed, eyes widening. "How have you managed that?"

"Well, since my mother and father are still alive, pretty well so far." Cyan cracked a lopsided smirk. "Haven't had to do too much in the realm of ordering the entire kingdom around. That's still their job. But I've had way too much to do, even to steal away for a semester here... but they've let me come this year. Hoping I can get a few weeks in without being called back."

"Wow... well, we're glad you're here," Brittany said sweetly, putting a hand on Cyan's shoulder. "Trust me, I totally understand the whole royalty situation when your planet's in trouble. It's my second year here, but I'm stuck in all first-year classes because of that same thing."

"So you'd get it better than most." Cyan nodded solemnly. "The positions we have are not for the ill-hearted. We might be born into it, but we must strengthen ourselves for the duties to come."

She carried herself well, as if she was several years older than she was; there was wiseness was in her young features, almost like a queen of old was trapped in a teenager's body. Confident, coolheaded, responsible. Selena rubbed her own arm, wondering if she'd ever get half as much confidence as Cyan. She must have been forced to grow up a whole lot quicker...

"That's a lot to ask for someone our age," Selena mused quietly. "I'm a princess too, but my parents haven't had to ask so much of me quite yet..."

"Well... I'm not only a young queen." Cyan held out her hand, displaying a tiny model of a pure white dragon. It's eyes were like shining silver held to flame as it swirled over her palm. Brittany and Selena leaned forward in intrigue, having to squint against the tiny dragon's glare. 

"I'm the keeper of the Cloud Dragon," she went on, slowly closing her fist. The magic projection vanished, leaving small fading clouds in its wake. "It's a legacy my family has held for eons — protecting one of the great Guardian Dragons, one that resides in the farthest skies of Olympia."

"Guardian Dragons?" Brittany echoed, eyes wide. 

"They're from the line of the Dragon Flame — we're all familiar with that, especially with the Winx. The Flame that created the magical universe spawned many Guardian Dragons, many of which chose certain realms to dwell in."

Selena nodded along as Cyan explained the Cloud Dragon's origins. By now, everyone in Magix and beyond knew of the Winx — superstars and heroes, renowned for their powers and success. Every fairy nowadays strived to follow in their footsteps, but few had succeeded. Most even fell short in earning something like their Charmix or Enchantix. Not to mention that finding a group that all clicked together like the Winx was about as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

"...Anyway, my family has carried the responsibility of harnessing the Dragon's power, which is why I have it. It's just that... it normally doesn't come to someone as young as I am."

"Which is why you were crowned queen so early?" Selena mused. 

"Precisely." Cyan shrugged. "Why it chose me now, I don't know... but clearly there's been a lot of unrest across all dimensions. These Dragons operate in realms beyond us... I just wonder what they know, what they've seen. Perhaps there's something far beyond us rising, and we don't know it yet..."

All three girls went quiet, the premise of this darkening their minds. The type of threat that the royal heads of planets have to worry about, realizing the weight of its implications. The pondering silence was only interrupted when the door to the room suddenly creaked, making all three of them jump. Two pairs of eyes peeked from the shadow of the door, shrinking back when they'd been found out.

"Hey! I see you eavesdropping!" Brittany called out, narrowing her eyes. "Who are you?"

Two girls stepped into view, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Ah... this is Room 302. We're roomed here, too," one of them replied in a shaky voice. 

Brittany relaxed, rolling her eyes. "You about scared me half to death! Come over here and tell us who you are!"


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