Send My Love (To Your New Lover)

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Just the guitar

Billy had just bought a new guitar, it was red with black rims and a bronze pic, he had bought the guitar for himself when he started to want to learn it, when he was a child he played it alot with his mother.

It was all you, none of it me

Billy and Steve had been friends for a bit, him and Steve grew feelings for each other, eventually they became a thing, but mostly fuck buddys to be honest, Steven had soon taken a liking to Nancy one again and Billy did not like that, they had gotten into a fight about it and had eventually stopped seeing each other.

You put your hands all over my body and told me, umm

Billy had remembered when Steve would grip his hair tightly when kissing, his hands would run all over his body whispering sweet nothings about how handsome and beautiful Billy was, he had told Billy he would never leave, never.

You told me you were ready

The first time they had sex Steve was very hesitant, Billy didnt force himself on him even though he wanted it so much, they waited, and when Steve was ready Billy was more than happy to take his first with a boy.

For the big one, for the big jump

Even though they loved each other, Steve didnt want to tell anyone, not even Dustin, Billy didnt mind but he wanted to become official in a way werw they didnt have to hide it, when Steve agreed he said it was like a big jump like a very big jump, Billy couldnt agree more.

I'd be your last love everlasting you and me | That is what you told me

My last love, is what Billy had heard Steve say, his last love what an honor, at this point he was ready to marry the man of his dreams, Billy Hargrove, at least thats what Steve had said.

Im giving you up

Steve had now fallen for another, he was giving up on him and Billy, Billy had noticed they drifted apart over time, texting maybe once everyday, Billy had now given up on Steves promises.

I've forgiven it all

Billy was ready to forgive Steve, he loved him to much, but soon he would realise the man he loved, didnt love him as much anymore.

You set me free, oh

Billy didnt want to let Steve go, it hurt far to much but he did, he was now free from Steve and his mean and crul ways of loving.

Send my love to your new lover

Billy had seen that Steve and Nancy had gotten back together, he also saw Nancy watching that boy Jonathan, that night him and Steve had talked about it, "Billy-" Billy hesitated for a moment before saying "what is it Steve" Steve could hear the pain in his voice he knew full well what Steve was about to say, "I-i dobt think this is going to work" Billy let a tear slip down his face, "I send my love" and with that Billy slamed the door to Steves room and left.

Treat her better

All Billy could think was Steve was going to get heart broken, but he still wished the best, sure Billy was a tough guy but he had a soft spot, "treat her better" he would whisper to himself when he say them, it truly hurt.

We've got to let go of all our ghosts
We both know we ain't kids no more x2

Steve wanted to still be friends, Billy agreed he did want to at least be friends Steve had said words like "we have to let go of this ghost relationship" meaning he wanted to be friends again, or when they would have a fight "we aren't kids anymore!" Steve would usually storm out and leave a very upset Billy.

I was to strong you were trembling

Billy had gotten over the whole thing, when Steve noticed this he didnt like the idea that he was over him to fast, Billy had found a new partner sure he didnt love him like he loved Steve but he did like him at least a little, Steve hated that Billy was so strong.

You couldnt handle the hot heat rising
Baby I'm so rising
I was running you were walking
You couldnt keep up, you were falling down
Theres only one way down

Steve was sure jealous of Billy, suddenly Nancy was no were near as attractive as Billy, Billy was running to a new beginning and Steve was slowly walking, when walking he would fall while Billy didnt, he was strong, something Steve apparently wasn't, he was falling the only way, he was falling into love and jealousy.

If your ready, x4

I'm not ready to go with Nancy thought Steve, it was very obvious that Nancy looked at Jonathan instead of Steve, she only looked at him with love and Steve knew it, he called up Billy, "hello?" Steve sighed at his once lovers voice, "hey man I-is Steve" he vould hear it get quite so quite that he could hear Billys breath, "what do you want Steve?" Steve vould hear the saddness in his voice maybe he did still have feelings for Steve, "look I-im sorry, man I dont know what i was thinking" it took a moment for him to respond "and?" "Look man i still like you" Billy let a tear slip down his face once again, "and that means what?" Im ready to get get back with you" Billy let yet another few tears run down his face, " If your ready."

| gonna be honest, this was hard, very, but i tried, also im randomizing them on my YouTube playlist |

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