Chapter 28 - Snakes

Start from the beginning

You knew the fingers.

Namjoon spun you to look at him, and even though the moon wasn't out and the darkness was heavy, you could see the white of his skin and the frown on his face.

"I told you to come up with a better escape plan," he said

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"I told you to come up with a better escape plan," he said.

He slid his hand down to your wrist, gripping tight, but pulling you gently towards the house.

"Wouldn't you be better off with me dead anyways?" you replied, somehow angry and defeated at the same time.

He stopped and turned to you. "Do you think I would have gone through all this trouble if that were true?"

He pulled you back into the house.

"My guards would have killed you if they caught you, Y/N," he said. "Didn't you think --"

"By your orders," you replied. "You told them to kill me if I left the house."

"If I didn't, you'd be dragged into that hall right now with the rest of the whores. I had to separate you from them so my men wouldn't take you for themselves."

You clenched your teeth. "You could stop them from coming at all."

Something gripped your stomach as you said it. The idea of Namjoon surrounded by women... women who were willing...

"They're gifts from the Emperor," he said flatly. "I couldn't ban them if I wanted to."

He hissed out the word gifts like a swear word.

Your body suddenly ached, the frustration and exhaustion overwhelming you.

"Do you really care if I'm dead or not?" you whispered.

With only the lighting from a single lantern, you couldn't tell if he was surprised or angry. By the tone of his voice, maybe it was both.

"You think I brought you here and set up a way for you to escape this hellhole of a country because I had nothing better to do with my time?" he spat.

"For five years, you did nothing --"

"I had no power!" he said, cutting you off. He stepped forward, taking your face in his hands. "I'm so sorry about your mother, Y/N. I'm so sorry. I couldn't do anything. It took me three and a half years to become Captain. By then, she had --"

"What about after?" you said, throwing off his hands. "For the last year and a half -"

"- for the last year and a half I've been bribing Jungkook's boss to pay him extra. And he wasted it!"

He stopped, taking a long breath.

"I thought of all people, he would take care of you," he continued. "Then, a month or so before I arrested him, I saw you in the market." 

He swallowed, looking at you from head to toe. 


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