Chapter 5

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Dean, Lessie , and Sam stood on some near by stairs, looking over a scorch make of a perfect circle in the ground. They stood in birth order from left to right.

"I'm telling you guys, This was made by some kind of jet engine," Sam claimed, examining the mark.

"You mean some saucer—" Dean began.
Lessie then spoke up and finished, "—shaped jet engine?"

Sam groaned at their twin telepathy, trying not to make a big deal about it. "What else could it be?" he questioned.

"What the hell?" Dean questioned, completely ignoring Sam's question.

"I don't know," Sam answered Dean.

"Seriously, dude–" Dean began.

" –What the hell?" The female finished for her twin.

Sam grumbled at their use of twin telepathy and the twins just lightly laughed. "I don't know," he repeated.

Lessie sighed, "I have no idea what the hell is going on here."

"You and me both, sis," Dean spoke.

Sam opened his mouth to explain, "I mean, first the haunting. Now this? The timing alone – There's got to be some kind of connection."

"You mean between the angry spirit and the sexed-Up E.T.? What could the connection possibly be?" Lessie answered and questioned.

Sam and Dean start talking to a student who had been near them while their sister zoned out.

The girl looked over behind them to see the janitor they had talked too staring at her. Her face began to heat up with a light blush and the girl turned around to face her brothers again.

Present Day

"I never said that!" Sam freaked out.

"Never said what?" Lessie questioned, tilting her head in confusion.

Bobby grumbled, "Ya really gotta pay more attention, Less."

"You're always saying pansy stuff like that," Dean argued to Sam, ignoring Lessie and Bobby.


"Whatever happened to Curtis, he had it coming," the student spoke to the three.

"Why is that?" She spoke up, finally out of her thoughts.

The student sighed, "He's our pledge master. Put us through hell this semester, and got off on it. So now he knows how we feel."

Dean turned to whisper to Sam, "It's okay" which earned him a confused look from his twin.

Skipping brought by the fact I can't write all the episode

Present Day

"Okay, I've heard enough," Bobby grumbled at the brother's antics.

"I still question how I put up with you incompetent fools," Lessie spoke to Sam and Dean.

"Shut up, Lessie!" the boys screeched in unison at their sister.

"You showed about an hour after that," the blonde told Bobby.

Bobby turned his attention to the young woman, "Are you missing anything or find anything weird?"

Lessie shook her head, "No. All I have are two idiot brothers who are fighting for no reason."

The boys grumbled while Bobby chuckled.
He turned back to the boys, "I'm surprised at you two. I really am. Sam, first off, Dean did not steal your computer."

Sam went to protest, "But I—"

Lessie averted to her green eyes to face Sam, "No buts, little brother."

Bobby turned to Dean, "And, Dean, Sam did not touch your car."

"Yeah!" the youngers shouted in unison, earning a glare from Dean.

"And if you two bothered to pull your heads outta your asses and actually attempted to listen to your sister, it all would have been pretty clear," Bobby stuck up for Lessie, earning a shocked expression from the boys.

"What?" Sam questioned.

"What we're dealing with..." She answered, confused as to why Sam would ask.

"Uh.." Sam started.

"I got nothing," Dean finished.

"Neither do I," Sam admitted.

"We've got a trickster on our hands!" Lessie shouted in frustration, causing her eyes to glow gold for a split second.

(Oooooooo... what do you think it is? Also the underline words are where they are speaking in their own language they made up, or the Winsiblings)

Soulmate to an Archangel~ Supernatural [Gabriel/the trickster]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz