Go!!//part two

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When they open I was faced with the sight of a hungry shark but it didn't look like a shark it looked like something disguised as a shark either way. I knew it was gonna kill me as it grinned and showed off its big pearly whites.

Then things went black

My eyes opened not to an afterlife but to an unusual sight of faces surrounding both me and Noen. As they saw my eyes open they instantly moved back and began analyzing the situation. I didn't think much of it until I looked closely at the men and women around me.

I realized I had not been saved by some people I had been saved by mermaids.

I was shocked I had never seen a real mermaid in my life but right now I had been surrounded by them. I had been so infatuated with the merpeople with I failed to notice Noen getting up off of the floor.

"transportation spell," Noen said as he stared at the sandy ground.

I didn't instantly know what he had been talking about but it hit me that the merfolk hadn't been the one to save us.

Noen had saved me

"I thought you couldn't figure that spell out?" I asked ignoring the stares that had been surrounding me

"Yeah but I risked it" he responded " I don't want to hear you say "oh my gosh we could have died" because we didn't ok?"

I didn't understand why he had been so mad at me I hadn't even said anything wrong to him.

" I wasn't going to say that," I said "I was going to tell you that one day I'll repay you from saving me so many times"

"well you came all the way here for me so taking care of you was the least I could do," he said as he shook his head

"and you came here for Nixie don't forget that and stop being sappy ok?" I responded noen turned his head to me but before he could get anything out a mermaid with black hair began talking.

"Celeste come here and deal with the humans who've decided to drop by" shouted a girl with long black hair. All of the Mermaids and Merman walked away from the scene.

A blonde-haired girl with a unique mole next to her eye began swimming up from the back of the crowd.. She gave off chill vibes it seemed refreshful after the event that had just occurred.

"what's up," she said to the black-haired girl

"well we need a human to deal with the humans and Juniper's not here"

"um sorry to interrupt but we're not humans," I said

"well then what are you," said the black-haired girl as she raised one eyebrow

"faeries" I responded

She then gave off a confused look to the blond-haired girl next to her. Unexpectedly they both started laughing. I looked at Noen with an annoyed face and he responded with a hand placed on my back in a comforting way.

Another girl with brown curly hair and bangs walked up to the two mermaids who had been laughing at the fact that we were faeries.

"Look I don't know what's so funny about us being faeries but an evil shark is trying to eat my friends and I need help," I said

"I'm sorry for them they both are shocked that a fairy has come here let alone ask for help. I'm sure you don't know as most of the Faes don't but your kind doesn't happen to be the nicest" said the brown-haired girl " either way I'm afraid we can't help you we try to keep thing very calm in these parts"

"Seriously Gemma," the blond-haired girl said

"Seriously what" Gemma responded

"You shouldhelp them," said the blond-haired girl

"Why we don't need the trouble"

"well look if you said that to me and juniper all those years ago we would have changed anything but even worse for you you wouldn't have a girlfriend," said Celeste

Celeste turned to me and picked me up off the floor. With a smile, she put her hand behind her and took off her stunning shell necklace.

"look when I was out here in the water trying to save the merfolk and the people I loved this really came in handy".

She picked up my hand and placed the necklace in my hands " it does a lot if you need help it's got you" and with that, she walked away.

Gemma looked at me, then noen and then the black-haired girl

"come on let's go"

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