Follow Thy Rules

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I woke up to Cassie standing over me fully dressed in his work clothes, looking like Gregory now. He had a huge smile. I could feel that Donna had his arm wrapped around me, pulling me closer to him. Oh my goodness, we must have fell asleep watching Supernatural last night.  

Cassie places his forefinger to his lip, telling me to be quite. All I could see was him reaching over me going for Donna. "Mmmmm. Sarah honey, I didn't know you wanted me in that way." Oh god what is he doing?  

"Oh you know it." Cassie said as deeply as he could. Donna jumped up as fast as he could, scaring the piss out of me at how fast he moved.  

"Dude, what the hell?" I rolled over to see him standing in the middle of the bed in a fighting position, ready to pounce on Cassie. 

"It is time for you to wake your ass up...Did you both enjoy sleeping together last night?" He must have thought something went on between. 

"Oh no! Nothing happen. You know that Donna is gay." I got up from the pull-out bed as fast as I could so that way I could be a little further from Donna to prove a point. "We just fell asleep watching Supernatural." 

Donna laid back down on the bed and put his hands behind his head. He had smirk on his face. "Sweet cheeks, I'm not gay. I'm bi. I like men and women."  

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to assume."  

"It is fine, but your ass better get ready for work. You can use my bathroom if you want to." Without a word I grabbed my stuff and rushed to his bathroom to get ready. I hadn't even checked the phone this morning if I had a message from Mr. Hollington. I rushed to finish getting ready. It doesn't take me very long to get ready, since I don't consider myself very attractive. I just placed my hair up in a high bun and then put on a small amount of makeup. I barely even gave myself enough time to take a meaningful shower.  

My phone had a red light on the side blinking. That either means the battery is dying or I have a message. Sure enough it was a message from Mr. Holllington.  

'Be at work with a pen and a notebook by 6:30.'  

The clock on the wall said 6:25. Oh shit. I'm already late for my first day of work. I am going to get fired. Without saying a word to Donna or Cassie I rushed out the door to go buy a notebook and pen. Why didn't I check my phone before I went to get ready? I have never ran in my entire life. It was a new sensation. A terrible sensation. Oh god, I feel like I am going to die. Ever so many steps I have to go from running to a brisk walk. 

I know people are staring, but I have to hurry.  

With a notebook and pen in one hand, I bolted through the office doors and came to Mr. Hollington's office door open. I could see him sitting at his desk typing on his computer. I didn't even check the time because I know that I am late.  

My heart feels like it is about to beat out of my chest. My chest burns and I can't get my breathing to slow down. Why did I have to run in the first place? Crap! I feel like I am about to die. 

"Mrs. Flowers do not like tardiness. But since this is your first day I will not hold it against you." He didn't even look up from his computer. I guess my heavy and quick breathing got his attention because his head shot up to see me standing their holding my sides from how much pain I am in. "What is wrong with you?" 


"Stop talking and sit down." Wow, he is rude. However, I did as he said and sat down, thanking the Lord for me to be able to get off of my feet. He got up from his desk and left out of the room for a few minutes. He came back with a glass of water and handed it to me. "For now on when I tell you to be here at a certain time, I want you to be five minutes early. I understand that Gregory or Jacob may have told you about the rules. Do not speak unless I have asked you a question. Do not sit down without me telling you to. Those rules are no longer in affect now that you are my assistant." He walked back over to his desk and sat back down. "Here is where I want you to start taking notes."  

He hunched over his desk with his eyes focused on me. "Rule number one: You make speak to me whenever you please, but do not make a habit of it. Rule number two: Just like I said when I tell you to be somewhere at a certain time, I want you to be early. Rule number three: You are to dress in all black. I want you to look professional. Especially when I have a client showing up. Rule number four: You will stay later than Gregory and Jacob. You will be paid for overtime during that period. Rule number five: There will be times that I will call on you on your off days. You will be paid overtime during those periods as well. Are you getting this?" 

"Yes sir." My heart rate was finally beginning to slow down, until he looked at me with those gorgeous eyes. 

"Good. Rule number six: You will not ask what kind of business I am running. In contract it specifically states that once signed you no longer have the right to ask. Rule number seven: You will always refer to me as sir. No more Mr. Hollington. It will always be sir, for now on. Rule number eight: You will always wear your hair down. No more buns or ponytails. Rule number nine: When you show up here at my office I want you to go ahead and have a seat and have your notebook and pen ready, always. And rule number ten: When I tell you to do something, you will do it. No questions asked. If I tell you to go get me coffee, you go get me coffee. If I tell you to not speak, you will not speak. If tell you to hide for any reason, you will hide. Do you understand, Ms. Flowers?" 

"Yes sir." Oh I understand. But these rule are terrible.  

"Good. Think of these rules as your ten commandments." 

***Author's Note*** 

What do you think about Mr. Hollington's rules? My lovely friend help me to think of some of them. 



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