54 Blood and Water

Start from the beginning

"More, Sprite. That's it, drink up," I croon, gently stroking her hair, her back.

She starts drinking in earnest after the first few swallows. I feel the euphoria of my Fated in my arms, of the bloodloss, of my own lust rising as Mara sates her need for my blood.

"Gods, I missed you, Sprite. I love you so much," I whisper to her softly. She makes a soft purring noise, but doesn't stop drinking.

I hear Thane roar in Lier's face as the male manages to free himself, "I will carve your oath into your heart, you fucking bastard!"

"Papa?" Poppy approaches me cautiously. Her hand is entwined with... gods, is that Thane's spawn?

"Let go of my daughter," I rumble my warning from my chest towards the white-faced adolescent male.

A wordless sneer is all I receive in return. I should bash his too-perfect face in, but Mara is still snuggled tightly against me, drinking deeply from my vien.

I slowly go from kneeling with her, to having her in my lap, my ass firmly planted on the ground. Woozy, I don't stop her. She's like a bird under my hands, so light I'm afraid I'll crush her.

"That's enough, daughter. His supply of blood isn't endless," Nateos says from above us.

I open my eyes lazily. I wasn't even aware that they had closed. Mara pulls away with a soft protest. I smile at her. She is so completely gorgeous, her eyes bright with life and, gods, I truly hope, love.

"I love you," I tell her.

"I love you," she murmurs. "My Captain."

I wince a little at the title. Her Captain. Am I her Captain or is she thinking of Thane?

Where the fuck is my brother, anyway?

I turn and look over my shoulder. It's carnage. Lier and Thane are ripping at each other, both males bloody with scales pierced and flesh torn. The two demon warriors are surrounded by what looks like a good brothel fight. Fists are flying as males I don't recognize battle with the Basru.

I would be concerned that we are under attack, but the gargoyle's antics assuage that worry. They are throwing mud, rocks, sticks, anything they can get their hands on with glee written all over their ugly faces.

They don't seem to be too picky about their targets, either.

I stand, helping Mara to her feet, even if she seems steadier than I am right now.

A face I recognize flashes in front of me. "Hanish?" I ask in disbelief.

"I am Gired, Prince Thelios," the male bows before bounding back into the fray with a whoop. I glance at Mara, who bites her lip, looking sideways at me with a blush of guilt coloring her face.

"They are goblins," she admits softly, "Rasted and Gired. Umm... I made them?"

"Made them?" I quirk an eyebrow at her. "So clever," I murmur, before capturing her lips with mine. Gods. Forever. It's been forever since I-

A clod of dirt strikes the side of my face. I pull away, glaring angrily at a sheepish looking Mishu.

"Mishu," I growl, taking a step. A male, one of the Basru, knocks into me. I stumble, then right myself, sending a powerful left hook right at his stupid head. He blinks, shakes it off, then leaps on me.

I tumble into the fight, grinning at the laughter and boastful talk I'm surrounded with. For the first time in... well, ever, I feel like this place is home.



I wrap my arms around my father, Poppy squashed in between us to her protest. My tears are pouring while he holds us tight, murmuring assurances. He smells of brimstone and faintly of my mama.

Mara - The Lady Grief (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now