Since that car is in my spot, I park on the side of the road in front of Gemma's house. Cutting off the engine, I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out of the car, opening the back door and helping Ella out. 

"Don't run off onto the road, okay Els?" I place her down on the ground and she nods, staying ground while I retrieve the dish. "Okay let's go." 

I close the door shut, putting on the car alarm. Ella dashes around the car and towards the house, knocking on the door. When I catch up with her, I pick her up using my free arm and let her press the doorbell making her happy and giggly. 

"Coming!" I hear Gemma say from inside the house. Footsteps follow and the door unlocks, being pulled open. 

"Auntie Gem Gem." Ella throws her arms up and runs towards my sister, hugging her leg. 

"Ella! It's so nice to see you! How are you?" Gemma reaches down and picks up my little girl, resting Ella on her hip. 

"Good." Ella rests her head on Gemma's shoulder. My sister looks at me, giving a wide smile and hug. 

"How are you doing, little brother?" She kisses my cheek. 

"I'm doing well. How about you, Gemma?" I kiss her cheek also.

"Good, good. I don't know how you managed with Ella at such a young age. I'm twenty seven, with a husband, but it is so hard for the both of us to deal with James." A chuckle leaves my lips. 

"It was difficult, let me tell you that." 

We enter the house, Gemma helping Ella take off her converse while I undo my boots. My sister holds Ella's hand while we walk further into the house. 

"Mum's in the kitchen, same with Robin." I hum in response, still holding the dish in my hands. When I enter the room, I see my parents cooking behind the island counter. My mum is at the stove and Robin is chopping some vegetables besides her.

"Hey." I say and place my lasagna besides the other foods on the table. My mum turns around, a bright smile on her face. 

"Harry!" She wipes her hands on her apron and walks to me, embracing my into a tight hug. "How are you, honey? Where's Ella?" 

"Ella's here!" Ella says running into the kitchen and hugging my mum'a leg. 

"Ella, look at you. You look so much bigger." My mum picks her up and rests her on her hip. 

"I know right. She's growing into a big girl." Gemma adds making Ella giggle. Robin walks up, kissing Ella's head before embracing me into a hug.

"Hey, Harry. Everything alright?" 

"Yup. Everything's great." 

"How's work?" 

"Stressful at times," I chuckle. "But it's good. My students are behaving, so that makes things a lot easier." I smile. He pats my back. 

"Just take it easy, son. You are only twenty four but you are working like you are forty. You need time for yourself, Harry." The truth behind those words scare me. I nod. 

"Where's James?" I ask Gemma. She looks at me and points upstairs. 

"He's sleeping."

"Want me to check him for you?"

"That would be very kind, thank you Harry." I give a smile, leaving the kitchen and going up the stairs. 

I hear people talking, girls it sounds like, and it makes me worried. I have never heard those voices before. I take two steps at a time, quickening my pace as my heart beats faster. 

Are there burglars in the house?

A particular laugh rings out and I gulp nearing the sound. It's coming from Gemma's room. And James is in Gemma's room. Panic swarms through me as I look for any weapons. I see a broom propped up against the wall and grab it, slowly walking to the closed door. 

I count to three in my head and take a deep breath before reaching my hand onto the doorknob, turning it slowly. My heart is thumping so hard against my chest. I'm scared for my life. When the doorknob is turned all the way, I take another deep breath and forcefully push he door open, raising the broom up, ready to attack. 

I see two girls on Gemma's bed with James in the hands of the one with vibrant purple hair. 

"Ahhh!" They scream, the purple haired girl holding James closer to her chest. 

"What the fuck!" The older girl says. 

Seeing that they are holding no threat, I lower the broom, not ready to put it down just yet. 

"Could you put that thing down." The purple haired girl says, looking at me like I'm crazy. 

"And who are you?" I ask them, ignoring her previous words. 

"Gemma's friends. Now put that down." I put the broom against the frame of the door and take another step inside the room. 

"Sorry. Wasn't expecting more people to be in the house." I scratch the back of my neck. 

"It's alright." The older girl laughs. The purple haired girl just continues looking at me like a lunatic. 

"I'm Har-" The sounds of people running up he stairs interrupts me. I see Gemma, my mum and Robin dashing into the room with worries expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" Gemma says, clearly frazzled. 

"This lunatic just barged into the room holding a broom." Purple says pointing at me. James wiggles around in her arms starting to cry. "Now look what you did." I scoff, shaking my head at her words. 

"James. Shh, baby. Mummy's here." Purple passes James to Gemma, my sister now trying to calm her son, lightly bouncing him in her arms. 

"Everyone alright?" My mum asks me. 

"A little notification would have been nice. I thought there were burglars in the house." I try to defend myself. Ella walks into the room, immediately going to my side looking worries also. I pick her up, placing her on my hip and kiss her forehead. 

"Everything's okay." I tell her. 

"Sorry, Harry. It's my fault." Gemma says, sitting down besides the two girls. 

"It's alright." I say. My mum and Robin head back downstairs to continue cooking, seeing that no emergency is taking place. 

"Harry, this is Lauren," she points to the older girl. "And this is Jasmine, her sister." Gemma points to the purple haired girl. I look at Jasmine, seeing her look at Ella. "And girls, this is my brother, Harry, and his daughter, Ella." 

I look at their shocked faces, immediately knowing that they are now judging me. I give a small smile, despite my insecure feeling and hug Ella closer to me. 

"It's nice to meet you. Sorry again about before." I turn around and walk out of the room, closing the door behind me.

"Did you see her hair?" Ella says, clearly fascinated. 

I nod. "Mhmm."

"It's purple." 

"I know."

"I want purple hair." 

"Maybe when you are older, okay?"

"Are you okay, dada." 


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