New girl.

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I opened my eyes to find myself locked up my in this metal box. It was pitch black and all I could hear was the box tunnelling through a never ending dark hole. After a few minutes of just shooting into a dark, empty space I realised I was never getting out. I started screaming and struggled to my feet. I shrieked until my throat hurt. Suddenly a bright red light glowed. That light soon turned green and doors opened. The sun shone through the box and I quickly closed my eyes since they were just getting used to the dark. When I finally opened my eyes I squinted because the sudden light still hurt. Hovering above me were at least 60 young boys staring down at me. I was speechless as I looked up. A kind looking African-American jumped in, making the box shake.
"Hi I'm Alby, I'm in charge here so until you get used to things around here you can stick with me," he smiled and then held his hand out for mine. "Can you tell me your name yet?" He asked still holding his hand out. I stared at him for a few moments before saying, "I can't remember my name and I can get up myself." I pushed myself up and out of the box. I started walking away from them when I felt a hand aggressively but gently grab onto my wrist.
"Where are you going, you haven't even had your tour yet," I heard a strong British accent. When I turned around I saw a blond boy smiling at me.
"Thanks Newt,"Alby walked over to us and placed his hands on Newts' shoulders. "Newt here is second in command meaning when I'm not around he's in charge."
"Good thing you're always here then," Newt chuckled to himself.
"Let's get this tour started," Alby said as he took his hands of Newts shoulders and placed them on mine. He guided me towards the huts as he shouted at the other boys to get back to work. By the time the tour was over three boys were preparing a bonfire.
"What the celebration?" I asked when I walked towards them. An Asian boy looked towards me and explained, "we're having a bonfire to welcome you greenie."
"What's your name?" I asked, he was one of the only people I was comfortable around. Him, Newt and Alby.
"Minho," then one boy walked towards me and looked at me up and down with lust filled eyes.
"This is Gally," Minho explained. He noticed how Gally was looking at me and death glared at him. Gally quickly looked away and went back to preparing the bonfire. I caught the third person staring at me.
"That's Ben, the three of us are builders," Minho explained. When we were done talking I walked away into the woods to do some alone thinking.

That night the bonfire began. I sat at a corner where no one could see me. I tucked my knees into my chest and hid my face in my knees. All I wanted to do was get out of there. Or at least remember my name.
"There's the guest of honour. What is a girl like you doing all alone?" I turned and saw Newt standing above me. He held his hand up and pulled me up.
"Come on I'll introduce you to everyone," he said putting his hand on my back and around my waist. This action sent chills down my spine. We walked around, his arm now around my neck. Suddenly I felt a slap on my butt. I turned and saw Gally with a wide smirk as he looked down at me. My face turned a bright red and boiled inside of me. I clenched my fist and punched him in the face. The sound of our skin connecting made every single glader turn towards us. Gally scrambled to the ground and held his jaw.
"It's broken," Ben shouted as he helped Gally.
"Damn the greenie is strong," Frypan laughed.
"Don't call be greenie!" I shrieked.
"What should we call you then?" Newt turned me to face him as his soothing voice calmed me down. I took a few deep breaths before saying, "Y/N." Everyone cheered and shouted as I remembered my name.
"Don't be so happy, Y/N broke one of our biggest rules. Never hurt another glader," Alby shouted. I glared at him and shouted, "isn't your rule also that we should have to trust each other! How can I trust you if Gally takes advantage of me and you don't do anything!" Alby looked baffled at how I spoke to him. He probably wasn't used to it.
"Alright listen up everybody! Not one person here is allowed to touch Y/N or date her. You horny teenagers keep her hand off her at all times. If you break this rule you'll be thrown in the pit for as long as Y/N wants. Y/N you pull a stunt like that again and you will also be put into the pit," Alby announced. Since that night I was extremely respected and looked up to. I became a gardener so I worked with Newt every day. Minho and I became best friends and I started to take the roles as the mum and sister to all these boys. Since I was the only girl I made sure they knew I was strong and they shouldn't mess with me. Everyday I had to prove myself over and over again. It was tiring but worth it. Being the only girl in the glade was hard but I had to deal with it.

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