A cold day in Gotham

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You shot the commissioners daughter, I mean I didn't see that coming says Cobblepot, well I did what I had to do, Joker says while holding a card,

Wayne Tech is producing a large amount of bombs and I have them all being delivered Cobblepot replies, good it's nice to go out with a bang now guys come with me Joker says to Cobblepot's henchmen, hey I had plans for them Cobblepot says that's ni...

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Wayne Tech is producing a large amount of bombs and I have them all being delivered Cobblepot replies, good it's nice to go out with a bang now guys come with me Joker says to Cobblepot's henchmen, hey I had plans for them Cobblepot says that's nice but I've got a bat to kill joker says with a laugh... Dick arrives at the batcave, ALFRED ALFRED you're back! Says Dick it's good to see you too sir Alfred says Now it's time to take the fight to the joker says Bruce, he pulls out his phone and calls Jim, hello says Gordon, Jim.... I am so sorry, I Bruce says. You've got some nerve I NEEDED YOU! MY DAUGHTER NEEDED YOU!! I know you didn't kill Vale but I could lose my job for helping you... Jim says I know, thank you Jim... I'm so sorry Bruce says hanging up, What's the plan Bruce asks Dick, the joker wants to break me he wants to compromise me believes he wants to destroy the idea of Batman, I can't let him, whatever he's planning Cobblepot is involved, we find out what he's doing we can stop Joker we have 5 hours left Bruce says Maybe the commissioner might consider adding us in stopping him Alfred suggests Jim has made it clear he doesn't want to be involved and I can't blame him Bruce says
Suddenly Bruce's phone goes off, Hello Bruce says Mr Wayne this is Fox I thought you'd like to know a huge shipment of military grade bombs have disappeared Fox says, Cobblepot and the Joker Bruce says, I know you prefer the non lethal approach but perhaps this one time you should reconsider Fox says I'll I've been doing is reconsidering and it has really got me anywhere thank you Lucius Bruce says as he hangs up... Maybe I should kill him if I don't now how many will die Bruce asks himself, Joker has Wayne enterprises military grade bombs and is planning something big Bruce announces to Alfred and Dick...

Joker is dressed in all black and standing on a peer looking into the harbor, we were gonna get married here he says what Cobblepot asks me and ... Nevermind thanks for the bombs Joker says with a smile yeah look we need this thing to work Cobblepot says it will it's why were here Joker says there crew starts putting bombs all around the boats in the harbor, now put some in hospitals gas plants anywhere and everywhere we got a city to burn people Joker says as they start rolling out bombs...

Bruce and Dick suit up...
It's a cloudy day around 5 2 hours and 30 minutes left, Batman and Robin are standing on a building it feels weird being out here so early Dick says, he's smart he's trying to throw us off Bruce says dang he's smart Dick says
At the Gotham Gazette...
Joker comes running through the doors carrying a boom box and dancing around Hellooooo Gothaaaam don't get up Joker says while dancing Everyone is shocked and scared, well isn't anyone going to ask me what I'm here for Joker says what do you want someone askes, Joker pulls out a gun and kills him to make the deadline of course AHAHAHAA he says while laughing Everyone is shocked look look I just want an interview one stinking interview I man you did it for Batman why not me someone get a camera rolling joker says as one of them pulls out there phone and starts tapping alright yeah yeah here we go it's go time Hi Mom Joker says as he starts waving to the camera Hi batmites or gothamnates whatever Joker here, so how's everyone tonight? Only two hours left see Ive decided in typical bad guy fashion I'll just reveal my own evil plan, because I'm a bad guy I'm a villain no I'm the villain I wasn't always though I just had a bad day... That's all it takes you know one bad day, I wonder if Batman's had a bad day bet he has I'd bet all the money Bruce Wayne has remember that name it will come handy later now see Brucey made a whole bunch of bombs to sell and I grabbed them all and in two hours if Batman doesn't kill me and break his moral code I'll blow this whole dang city to heck, Crazy right? Joker grabs the phone But let me ask the question here the game changer... WHAT'S WORSE THE FACT I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL OR BATMAN COULD STOP ME BUT WON'T, HUH WHOS THE REAL VILLAIN? HE WONT KILL ME HE'LL LET ALL OF YOU DIE FIRST HOW MANY PEOPLE IS HE GONNA LET ME KILL AHAHA look bats I know you have codes but come on give the city what they want,
Bruce is watching the broadcast joker grabs the phone and starts talking into it here press this in 30 seconds Bruce says as he hands a device to dick sure says, Joker continues his rant, dick presses the button it causes the phone to explode in joker's hand what he says as Batman swings through the window catching him off guard, knocking him ITS OVER Batman screams, I've still got about an hour and a half to break you, joker says while looking at his watch, Never going to happen Batman says coldly, Joker gets up and spits blood on his shoes Bruce balls his fist and punchs him in the face knocking him back, he slaps a pair of cuffs on him you're going to spend the rest of you're worthless life in a padded cell in arkham Batman says maybe will share one ahaha joker says while laughing, as they start walking out of the building Robin arrives well I guess everyone makes mistakes sometimes Robin says, not him Batman says as he runs back the boombox joker left in the office explodes throwing batman back and killing Everyone Robin runs to Batman and the joker escapes...

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