A.C.E chemicals

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Bruce sees paper flying everyone everything Vickie made it's gone all her co-workers are dead she's gone completely now it's all gone Bruce Bruce come on Dick says where's the joker, Bruce says he's gone Dick says...

The ash falls like snow Bruce and Dick leave the gazette, Alfred is watching on the tv in horror, Attention all unites this is commissioner Jim Gordon I'm putting out a shoot to kill order on the Joker repeat shoot to kill Jim Gordon says over the police scanner the pair gets in the Batwing and flys beside a clock tower one hour is left, there is silence in the plane, maybe we should discuss this Dick says there's nothing to discuss I know what I must do Bruce says Everyone wants you to kill him and truth be told that's what he wants, you stopped me from killing Two-face Dick says and maybe I was wrong about that Bruce says no I don't think you where I think you saved me from becoming Two-face is it better to please the world and loss you're soul? Dick asks Bruce doesn't reply and keeps flying in silence where are we going Wayne tower it's we're Cobblepot is and we might can jam the bomb singals from there Bruce says while landing on the roof,  he opens the elevator hatch and glides down with Robin he uses his mask to locate Cobblepot on the top floor I'm going to see Cobblepot you need to find Lucius Bruce says  on it Dick says, Dick locates Fox is work station, and sees a  two armed men around he pulls out 2 r shaped disks and throws them at and jumps he pulls out a collapsible bowstaff and starts beating them with it, taking them down, so how do you like the staff Lucius asks it's not got a lot of weight too it by the way I'm Robin Dick says yeah the giant R on you're chest kinda gave it away, now what can I do for you Mr. Robin Lucius says, in the office Bruce kicks the door open Cobblepot he says as he throws a batarang right beside Cobblepots head and it gets stuck in the wall Hello Brucey what may I do you for? Cobblepott asks where's the joker Batman asks last I heard he blew the gazette to heck Cobblepot says look he will destroy this city and everyone in it in less then an hour  and that includes you Bruce says oh I won't be here for that Cobblepot says maybe you didn't understand me clearly Bruce says while pulling out a batarang you won't be able to leave when I break every bone in you're body Bruce says, well when you put it that way it, he's as the place he says he was born at A.C.E chemicals Cobblepot says when this over I'll end you Bruce says Cobblepot laughs I've already beat you he adds...

Bruce picks up a phone and Calls Jim, hey Jim it's me, Joker's at A.C.E chemicals and he's not leaving alive, Bruce hangs up all police events start in direction of A.C.E chemicals,

A.C.E chemicals 30 minutes to bombs go off, there's about twenty men guarding the gates the Batmobile arrives busting through they start firing on it and one pulls out missile launcher and aims he counts down 5, 4, 3, 2, suddenly before he can finish the countdown, the cockpit of the Batmobile opens and Batman fires his grapnel pulling the launcher down it the missile  hits the ground blowing at least ten of them down there's fire everywhere as Batman and Robin exits the Batmobile stop the bombs I've got Joker Batman says let's hope this work Robin says pointing to the jammer Fox gave them, they hear sirens as the GCPD arrive let's move out Batman says Ah the old familiar places Joker says while looking down a girder above some vats of acid, This ends now Batman says you'd like that wouldn't you? Joker says as giggling Cobblepot said this is where you were born Batman says so cobby sold me out good it was part of the plan, and yes this my family home you were there remember you throw me over the vat and then I was horribly scarred. HAHAHA joker says with a laugh Batman is shocked years ago before Vickie before Dick he had confronted a criminal in a red hood he accidentally got to close and the crook fell in the vat he tried to save him but to no avail that was you Batman says as he moves closer yes see it drove me mad or maybe it drove everyone else mad I still can't tell Joker says, why come back after all this time this my fault maybe I can help Batman says as he gets distracted, I realized who I was, you're a force for good I'm a force for evil you're mission brings peace I brings war, I'm a one bad villain and I'm good at it Joker says, you don't have to be you don't have to kill these people we can change it Batman says as extends a hand you know bats... That reminds me of a joke I heard once about these two guys sometime falls on the ground it's Batman's belt joker has cutt it off while Batman was distracted he grabs the belt and throws it in the acid, Bruce frowns and runs at joker he kicks him in the chest and knocks him down oh come on this isn't a fair fight I don't know Kung Fu HAHAHA joker says as Batman grabs his head slamming it into a guard rail you got 15 mins bats Joker pulls out a knife Batman blocks it out and takes it he stabs the joker's forearm.....

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