24 Hours...

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Bruce flies out the window he jumps into the Batmobile, is.. is she dead asks dick worriedly, I don't know but we have to find her batman says, he hacks into the Wayne satellite using a device he left in the building, it picks up the toxins trace, found her abandoned wherehouse, he drives to the building, Batman and Robin exits the Batmobile, Bruce uses his masks and sees two heat signals one is on the first floor lying down, the other on the second floor dancing, get her to a hospital Bruce says, what about you? Asks Dick, I'm gonna finish this Bruce says, he uses the grapnel and reaches the second floor, JOKER! he screams yessssss, hey did you catch the latest episode of my show? says Joker I'm going to take you down now Batman says charging at joker, the two fight and start exchanging blows Batman punchs the joker in the ribs a bit mad are we? haha joker says, Batman punchs him in the throat, laugh now he says, hey laughter is the best medicine you should try it Joker says as he squeezes the flower on his shirt and it starts shooting acid, ah Bruce screams as it hits him, come on is that the best you can do... Eh killer? Joker says Bruce grunts gets back up and starts striking joker repeatedly in the head that's it! There he is, come on Joker says, on the first floor dick pulls Barbara to the Batmobile and takes her to hospital, what do you want Batman says as he shakes the joker back in forth, and slams him into a metal beam,

 Eh killer? Joker says Bruce grunts gets back up and starts striking joker repeatedly in the head that's it! There he is, come on Joker says, on the first floor dick pulls Barbara to the Batmobile and takes her to hospital, what do you want Batman...

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I just wanna prove everyone else is like me, it's takes time and a couple of bad days but you'll see you're all like me in the end ha joker says, you.. you want me to kill you.. says Batman yes now you're getting it joker says Batman let's joker go... I'm not a killer Batman says Really they all think so... And in 24 little hours I promise you will be one Joker says, what do you mean asks Batman, suddenly a smoke bomb goes off, this is the GCPD BATMAN COME OUT WITH YOU'RE HANDS UP, a voice screams the joker gets a way in the chaos and Bruce exists the ceiling.....

In the Batmobile...

Come on come Barbara stay with me please stay with me, God please I can't lose anyone else this year, Dick says while driving her to the hospital, police cars are following behind, Barbara grunts, stay with me Babs Dick says he takes off his mask and trys to calm himself down, Barbara is fading in and out and she opens her eyes and sees Robin without his mask... Dick Grayson she thinks.... Robin arrives at the hospital, he puts on his mask and carries her in, it's Barbara Gordon she's been shot he says hey it's the red one, hey you do not run you are under arrest says some police officers charging at him, oh man Robin says as he takes off running, he hopes into the Batmobile and takes off the police officers chase after in patrol cars Dick fires some small missiles that blast out there tires and drives off...

At the Batcave Bruce stairs at his batsuit,

At the Batcave Bruce stairs at his batsuit,

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What have I became he asks... I'd say a hero says a familiar voice, Bruce turns around Alfred he says, Hello mister Wayne, I hope I'm not too late, Alfred says, right on time actually, there's this new guy, he's calling himself the Joker he's dangerous he shot Jim's daughter, and it's my fault I went after Cobblepot I should have responded to the signal and he wants me to kill him, Bruce says, not everything is you're fault it's something I learned when I was away, I will always regret what happened to miss Vale but people die there's no changing it Two-face killed her, not me not dick and certainly not you! Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones but you still have to chose, leaving you and dick was a terrible mistake and I'm very sorry and I'm here trying to make it up to you both now, you couldn't save Barbara in time.. but you can help her now you can stop joker and save this city you're Batman it's you're job Alfred says with a smile,
I wish it was that simple this time Alfred, I've never fought anyone like him I'm 29 I've been Batman for almost 10 years and I'm almost as old as my father was when he died, the joker is out to destroy the city and me he's smart he knows how to hit the right buttons, he told me in 24 hours I would kill him, in my years of fighting, I've Never been a killer, never wanted too I know what losing someone does to a person, but now I mean when Cobblepot said he killed my parents and Vickie with two-face.... The truth is the joker is the embodiment of the pain I feel and I want to kill him Alfred... And I know if I do I'm completely gone Bruce admits to his confident, we all have a battle one that defines who we are, I believe this is yours sir, I can't stop you from killing him if that is your true motivation, but if the fight was easy, then it wouldn't be much of a fight would it sir? Alfred states you're right.. I just I don't know if I'm strong enough this time.. Bruce says, I know you've lost a lot this year but you can't let him win I know you can beat him without killing him Alfred says...
At the hospital Dick visits Barbara, she's guarded but Jim let's him in, oh man Barbara Jim says, Hello Mr. Gordon how's she doing dick says, not good I'm afraid the doctors don't think she'll be able to walk again, but aleast she'll live Gordon says,
man that's rough dick says, I have to go it's work the commissioner says as he leaves Dick stairs at Barbara unconscious, I don't know you that well, but you comforted me at the funneral and oh man this life it takes a toll, just hold on please dick says as he gets a text from Alfred to return to the cave, he smiles upon learning Alfred is back, I'm gonna go get you're next story he says to Barbara...

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