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Robin answers the call in the batwing,  he heads towards the city he sees the GCPD standing on top appears to be Gordon, he exits the vehicle and lands on the building, commissioner what's wrong? Robin asks,  the commissioner has his back turned towards Robin, nothings wrong, in fact I'd say everything is right for once says a dark chilling voice with a cold laugh, you're not Gordon says Robin, and you're not Batman but hey I didn't want to play that card, says the man he's turned around he has white skin and green hair he's wearing black, what are you asks Robin, a smile comes across the green haired stranger's face, oh I'm the villain of this story, and you're just another casualty waiting to happen he says with a laugh, he pulls out an automatic gun and aims for robins head, dick doesn't have enough time to move, suddenly a batarang comes flying knocking the gun out of the man's hand, Batman is standing on the edge of the building, stand down now Bruce says, Dick is in shock and excitement, you're back he says while smiling, hello Batman, I'm the Joker and me and you are going to be the best of enemies, the green haired man says, no this ends here and now Batman says as he gets in a fighting position, do you really think I'd challenge you to a fist fight haha, no see I'm going to leave this building, and if you don't let me I'll kill Gordon the Joker says, you've got Gordon? asks Robin, yes bye now joker says while walking to the elevator, dick hurrys after him, stop Bruce says you don't believe him do you? asks Dick no Bruce says.. As he leaps up the building extending his cape as a glider and falling joker as he exists the building The joker is running on foot and looking scared as he gets to a parking garage, Batman flys following him, bruce lands a floor above and turns on his heat sensor he finds him hiding on the first floor, He Chase's after him, Bruce hasn't been in the field in months, but its like riding a bike he's ready to fight, meanwhile dick calls the batwing to him and tracks Bruce's suit location,  Bruce lands on the first floor he sees legs sticking out under a car he grabs them and pulls the joker out only to his shock it's actually Gordon what Bruce says, before he can react joker hits him in the back of the head with a fire extinguisher as Bruce falls joker starts kicking him in the stomach, some of Cobblepot's men arrive with metal pipes and begin hitting Bruce repeatedly, ahaha I thought it would be harder joker says with a laugh as he leaves to meet with Cobblepot he's all you'res boys, as Batman is beaten, Bruce lies there he can't fight, he doesn't want to fight, as he's lying he sees a  Gotham gazette newspaper on the ground beside him the byline reads what is justice by Vickie Vale Bruce is angred reminded of what he lost,  Bruce reach's into his belt grabs a smoke pellet and throws it taking everyone aback, he jumps up and grabs the pipe out of one there hands swings it around and starts knocking them all out  he kicks them in the stomach one grabs the back of his cape Bruce spins grabs his arm and swins him over he uses the grapnel gun to pull one of them forward then smacks him, he's angry and starts beating them all, he starts smashing one guy's face with the pipe, he then throws at one of the men trying to get away, he grabs the last one throughs him at the wall and starts punching him repeatedly in the face while he grunts, he draws his arm back but something stops him he looks back Batman stop you're killing him dick says as he holds his arm back, Bruce slowly let's him go he calms down I..  I don't know anymore Bruce says Robin puts his arm on his shoulder it's okay, they untie Gordon, it's a distraction he says what Batman asks it's a distraction Jim says...

The police station is slow as typically, the front desk sits a woman waiting to get off from work a small gift wrapped box is waiting on the floor she spots it and picks up there's no tag, she lifts the box and begins to laugh, what's wrong asks an officer near her as he starts laughing too, a purple gas cloud exists the box, they both fall over, the joker bust through the doors guys guys! You need to wear a gas mask this stuff will kill you! Oh wait it already did he says laughing, good thing no one poured this down an air vent, he says as he works over to one, oh wait i did hahaha he pours it down the vent, he dances around he pulls out a stack of cards and begins throwing them around, king, queen, Jack... Joker, he's removed his black jacket and is now sporting a purple suit, he is laughing as everyone is in pain he gets to the file room and pulls the Harvey Dent one... Oh this is gonna be good,  maybe I'll save it for my libraries summer reading program next year hahaha he jokes as he leaves...

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