chatper fourteen

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Crap! I forgot to go home after last night! Aria is going to be pissed! She hates seeing me with other men, but it's not like she'll see her father anytime soon. I began to get my clothes back on when the Governor noticed me changing.

"What are you doing Andrea?" He asked.

"I'm going home to my daughter."

"You mean the one who swore at me?"

"Yeah, just so you know, we are both against feminism and sexism." (A/N wtf ten year old self? you don't have to mention this every five seconds?)

"Okay, will I see you again?"

"Maybe." I replied. Then I left the house and I headed to my apartment.

"Aria! Open the door right now!" I heard whispering and then she opened the door.

"Hi mom!" She said excitedly. Too excited.

"Where is he?"

"Ugh you know me too well. Patrick! Come out its okay!" She said.

"Hello Andrea! I might as well be on m-" he began.

"Does your mother know you are here?" I almost saw Aria mentally face palming herself.

"Uh yeah." He said. Weak.

"Just go." I said curtly, then he left. I was pissed. Totally pissed.


It's been a day since we found this ninja lady. She had Maggie and Glenn's stuff, she told us about how they were kidnapped by the same guy who shot her. Hershel was calm, but Beth was losing her mind. I already lost it. I'm dark. I'm cold. I lost feeling. Ever since my mom died and Aria and Andrea disappeared, everything for me has been, dull.

"We are leaving today for Woodbury." My dad said. Basically, this guy wants the prison and us dead. We've been in controversy ever since. I hate that guy. He killed my mom, indirectly. If he had never come, we wouldn't have been in the tombs, if we weren't in the tombs, my mom would've had a safe place to give her pregnancy and she would still be here with Judith and I.

I went with them to Woodbury. We were in the car, then Michonne, the ninja lady, told us to get out, that they had guarded walls with at least ten guys with fully loaded machine guns, nice.

We cut through a fence and we got into this shed-like house. Sound bounced off of them, luckily, no one was here. We found Glenn and Maggie easily and then we started to leave, but we were cut off. There was a full out war going on in the town. I killed a couple of the soldiers, then I saw a girl, around my age, I could've sworn it was Aria. I ran towards it, but my dad cut me off, asshole.

"What is your problem!" I screamed.

"You were running out to no where! I saved you!" I looked at him with my best glare, and I went to the rest of the group.

"Where is Daryl and Michonne?" I asked. The group shook their heads like they just noticed they were gone. More supplies for us.

We went out again with Maggie and Glenn and we left. When we got back to the prison it was still dull to me. We got people and we lost people. When it was the morning I saw something I never thought I'd see again, it was Andrea.

And Aria.


My mom said we should leave Woodbury for a little bit. We had to sneak out though, she didn't want the Governor to know we had left. I told Patrick I would come back and he said okay. My mom and I just wanted to clear up the air between Woodbury and the prison.

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