chapter eighteen

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Everyone's dead except for Michonne, aren't they?

Why does shit like this have to happen to good people? It's a bunch of bullshit if they tell you it's okay.

It's never been okay.

It never will be okay.

Two days earlier...


"What am I doing about my hair?" I shrieked as I realized I forgot to do something about my hair. "And the cake?" Shit. Forgot to make the cake yesturday.

"Just leave your hair down and I can make the cake." Carol said calmly.

"Thank you." I said gratefully as I got into my beige twist wedding dress. I ended up picking this one because I don't want a perfectly good white dress to get dirty.

I left my hair down and I put some pencils in my hair to make it curled at the bottom. Carol then did a French Twist and the cake was made in less than twenty minutes. Everything was going to be perfect.

I'm having Michonne walk me down the isle because she is the closest thing left to family that I have. Maggie was going to walk down with Hershel and Rick is going to minister.

"I give you this ring as a sign of our love, and how it goes on forever." Carl said the wrong thing.

"You said the wrong thing Carl." I said load and clear. Everyone got a kick out of it, Carl looked like Larry the Tomato from Veggie Tales.

"I give you this ring as a sign of my love to you, that is never ending." I said the wrong thing too, well shit.

"Son, do you take Aria Luna Harrison to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Rick asked. I started laughing. God this wedding is so screwed up.

"Yeah." Carl answered. I started laughing so hard my corset came undone and everyone started falling to the ground laughing.

"It's I do and Aria Luna Harrison, do you take my son to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I said as soon as Carol got my corset back on.

"By the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Rick said obviously very happy.

Carl and I kissed, and Beth took a picture of us on her Polaroid camera. She also took a picture of Daryl and I dancing like no one was watching. Maggie and I stole the camera, and we took a selfie of us running in our dresses away from her.

"Your gonna ruin the lace Maggie!" I shouted.

"It's not like I'm gonna save it! Let's clear the walkers and get back to the party!" She shouted. The music we had on was super loud. We took the random sharp objects we use to poke the walkers out and we started getting dirty. I took off my dress and all I was in was an undershirt and spandex.

"You're crazy!" Maggie said laughing.

"Said the bride killing the dead!" I shouted back.

"That's not crazy! It's badass!" Maggie shouted so hard that we both fell on the rocky pathway laughing.

Lizzie, Mika, and the rest of the kids were running over trying to grab our dresses. I got my dress back on and we were running for the sake of our now ruined dresses and we ran all the way to our husbands.

"Hubby?" I asked Carl.

"Hubby? What do I get to call you then?" We both started to chuckle.

"I don't know, Aria? Anyways can we request a couples dance?" I said seriously.

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