chapter two

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Like I said before this is a work in progress, so bear with me please 😂

"Who are you?"

I look over, and I see a boy, looking around my age, with minty blue eyes and brown, chestnut hair. His face was sprinkled with freckles, and his lips were pink and plump.

"Carl, this is Destiny, Destiny, Carl," My mom said. We looked at each other, and out of awkwardness, shook hands.

"Nice to meet you," Carl choked out.

"Nice to meet you too," I said, my voice quivering. I wanted to continue talking for longer, but my mother wanted to show me around camp, so I could get a feel of it. We chat for a bit as we walk to the quarry. When we arrive, I see three women. A skinny black woman, a woman with buzzed, short gray hair, and a woman with long, brown hair.

"Carol, Jacqui, Lori, this is my daughter, Destiny," My mom said, pushing me forward.

"Hello..." I said out of shyness.

"I'm so happy for you Andrea," Jacqui said.

"Me too," Lori agreed.

"Thank you all so much, do you guys need any help with the laundry?" My mother asked.

"No, I think we're alright, why don't you go and catch up on some family time?" Lori suggested.

"Thank you so much, everyone," My mom said, and then we turned around.

"These people are so nice, you'll love them," My mom said.

"I bet I will, these people are so nice already," I said, we continued walking.


"How do you think she acts?" I asked Sophia, my closest friend at the moment.

"Would you stop spying on the poor girl? Right now she just wants to be by family, I would be if I lost my mom for all the time she did," Sophia scolded.

There was a rustling of leaves behind us, and we both turned around quickly. I let out a sigh when I saw Destiny.

"Thank goodness! We thought you were a walker," Sophia said.

"That's what you call 'em?" Destiny asked. I blushed and nodded my head yes. Sophia chuckled and said she had to go find her mom, leaving Destiny and me alone.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi.." She said, droning off toward the end.

"So, I'm assuming you've been shown the entire place?" I asked, keeping the seemingly never ending conversation going.

"Yeah! This setup is nice, I'm excited for tonight," Destiny mused.

"What's tonight?" I asked.

"The fish fry! I haven't had any kind of meat or fish since the beginning," Destiny solemnly says.

"We should sit together!" I exclaimed. Destiny chuckled, and our faces turned bright red.

"Yeah! It could be a lot of fun, but aren't you and Sophia going to sit by each other? You two seem close," Destiny said, hinting at the possibility of Sophia and me dating.

"Oh gosh no, we are just good friends, besides don't you wanna hang out with me?" I jokingly asked.

"Ew, no, I'm just kidding. Of course I will!" Destiny agreed. We chatted for awhile longer, and I found out her favorite color was white, her favorite food was steak, and that she likes to swim. It's crazy how much alike we are.

We bid our farewells and we each got ready for the fish fry.

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