"Come on." Dylan says grabbing Toms arm and dragging him along.

- - - -

In the lobby they formulate a plan.

Dylan and Thomas will take Dylan's truck, Will and Ki will take Kis' jeep, Aml will take his motorcycle, and Blake and Chris will drive Chris' Lamborghini. They'll all split up and search every optional way to get to the place Kelsie said Iris likes to hike.

"Everyone knows their route right?"

They all nod.

They trip over each other going out the door, talking in quick alert voices.

Thomas was glad Iris was so well liked.

- - - -

"Just keep your eyes open man, we'll find her." Dylan encouraged.

"She's hurt. I just bloody know it." Thomas says trying to keep tears from escaping his eyes.

"She's going to be fine. She's probably awake right now and fine. You're just overreacting."


Dylan not only looks surprised. He looks as if a realization had hit him. Thomas was right. Iris would call him. Iris doesn't take no for an answer. She would get someone to call for het, at least.

Dylan bits his lip and speeds up. In the passenger seat Thomas' shoulders shake.

Dylan sighs, "Tommy, I know you're worried. We all are. That's why we're here. But we've got to keep our heads on if we're going to help Iris."

Thomas sniffs, "You're right."

Thomas sighs and breathes in and out slowly.

Then his phone rings. He snatches it and answers, "Hello?"

"Thomas! We just heard! Have you found her yet?" It's Sarah.

He sighs, "No. We're working on it."

Sarah is quiet for a minute, "Honey, are you okay?"

Thomas looks out the window, a million emotions weighing on his shoulders, "Yeah. I'm okay."

Biggest-lie-ever alert!

"She's going to be okay, sweetheart. You'll see."

"Yeah." Thomas says quietly.

His phone starts ringing and he looks at the number.


"Hey, I've got to go! Kis' calling. Bye!" He hangs up before she can say anything at all.

"Ki, talk to me." Thomas says breathlessly.

"We found her...." Ki says sadly.

Thomas fills with dread, "Ki, what's wrong?"

He says the next word with such reluctance, "Thomas....she doesn't look pretty."

Thomas stifles a cry, "Where are you?"

- - - -

Thomas sees the lights and police cars. Blake and Chris are already there. Blake looks extremely distressed. He is only fifteen years old. A lot of things would distress a fifteen year old. It's not big deal. Right? Chris looks solemn, Will standing next to him with the same gray look. Ki is speaking to a police officer. Yellow tape has been set up.

Thomas jumps out of the car before it completely stops. His feet pound on the pavement as he runs as fast as possible towards Ki, "What happened? What's going on?" Thomas blurts breathlessly.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now