"I'll be fine" I say and then I walk into the bathroom and shut the door


It's been three days since they left

Three days without two of my best friends around. Liz came by yesterday and we hung out but it wasn't the same without Sydney and Alexis but we understand, they have their mates and that's where there focuses are now.

I was currently on the training grounds training a group of pups

Turns out, despite my cold demeanor, I'm actually good with kids. Shocker!  I know right!

Anyway Tirique was here with me and we were training these pups. Well, I was training the pups, Tirique being the asshole that he is was just criticising everything, the pups included

"That kid has the weirdest legs ever!" He says pointing at a pup no older than 6.

"Would you stop being an ass?  They're children! And he has a skin condition idiot!" I say

"I'm just sayi-" he starts to say but he's cut off but yelling

"STOP IT!!!" I hear a kid who I recognise to be Brandon yell at his twin brother

I walk over

"Hey, hey, hey calm down. What's going on?" I ask in a calming voice

"HE CALLED ME UGLY!" Brandon yells pointing at Brayden


"What? It's true" Brayden says shrugging


"DA Faq?" I hear Tirique whisper behind me

"No it's not you're mean!" Brandon yells

"You two do realize that you're twins right? Identical twins at that." I ask just making sure

"Well yeah but he's the uglier twin" Brayden says pointing at his brother

"Your mother's ugly!" Brandon yells back

"Again. You two do realize you're twins right? Same face?  Same mother?" I say

"Well clearly he's also the stupid twin" Brayden says

"OK that's enough. Brayden stop picking on your brother. Now both of you laps around the vicinity for being meanies. Go!" I say

"Those two are something else" Ricky says

"Indeed" I respond

They're really cute though. They're kind of like younger brothers to me, all the kids are really all like my younger siblings

After training I head back to my room when I see my sister's office light still on. Wondering what's up I walk in and she's sitting over some paperwork

"Whatcha doin'?" I ask

"I'm just looking over our pack layout. Where could they have gotten in?" She asks

I walk over to her and point at the area

"Here, they killed Corbin and snuck in through his section" I say

"Wow OK" she says

"Get some sleep sis" I say to her and start walking out of the office

"Hey, what are you going to do about your whole mate situation?" She asks

"I'm not going to do anything it was clearly a false alarm and you know I don't want a mate" I say walking out

I get back to my room and shower before changing into my PJs with fuzzy socks (who doesn't love fuzzy socks?) And climb into bed and doze off.

I have another nightmare.

I dream of what he did to me. What he put me through. How he humiliated me and made me look like a fool.

How he broke me piece by piece taking everything I had to offer. How he broke my self-esteem making me hate my reflection. Tore it into pieces and burnt it to ash before having the wind blow it away. I feel it all over again. The hurt I felt when he would do the things he did and the pain I felt when he said the things he said.

I think of him and how I used to think that he was my mate only to have him turn into a monster which then turned me into a monster.

I dream about the girl I could have been if I had never met him, how sweet, beautiful and kind she would have been. Loved by all.

Instead today I am what he turned me into. I think about how he used to whisper in my ear


I shoot up in bed sweating and breathing heavily. I look at the time and it reads 3:30am. I throw the blankets off of me and head downstairs and grab a glass of water

As I'm heading back I think about how my sleep was robbed from me along with my sanity all those years back.

Could I really have been a likable person if I had never met Him?  Would I be nice? Would I be pretty then?

Whatever. Getting back in bed I rest my head against my pillow and stare at the roof

"Never going to be good enough"
"You killed them"
"It was your fault"
"You're mine!"

Over and over I hear it in my head. Over and over I hear it, his voice that keeps tormenting me

Along with one phrase,

Four words:

"I will be back"


Also please

Follow me on Instagram: @Skittle_Queen13

Follow me on TikTok: @SkittlesNdRainbows

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