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You were inside your shared bedroom, that also belonged to your wife, working on a new story for your long running comic book series "Vanguard"! You had been making the series since you were 17 with your wife and now at the age of 35, the series is set to have its own film released in the next year or so. The series was doing great, but your life even better than you could have dreamed of.

After graduation, you and Nora married one another around a decade ago at the age of 25. You both worked mainly as huntsman and huntress, never stopping, always going on missions here and there, fighting the forces of darkness. But more important to you guys was that around 28-29 year olds, you both grew tired of the constant moving. You mainly. Nora was used to it but even after a while she too, grew bored of the practice. So, after asking around, you and Nora moved in to a home just down the mountain from your grandfather.

You two loved it here as there was plenty of nature, space and more than enough things to get done throughout the day. A year later, your series was officially picked up by a major comic company after years of self publishing the book both online and throughout stores. Despite all the success, your grandfather still passed away three years ago at the age of 92. You still never learned what his deal was with Ozpin, but he was gone now. There was nothing you could do about it. You still remember, he loved spending time with Nora. The two bonded faster than you and Nora actually did.

But that was the past. However, there was one last thing you needed to mention.

???: Dad. Mom's going crazy down stairs again.

You turned around with a smile and a sigh, annoyed by your wife. Despite that, you were still happy to see your son before you. Hazel was named after his great-grandfather and was a happy little bean. He got his mother's energy so if that is a good or bad thing is up in the air. You got up from your desk and gave Hazel a pat on his head.

(Y/N): I got this one, kiddo.

You walked down into your basement and saw Nora was going insane on a punching bag. You walked over to her and grabbed her wrist as she reeled back another punch.

Nora: Uh? Oh, hi Sweetie. What's going on?

(Y/N): You're doing it again.

Nora: Doing what?

(Y/N): Going ballistic again. Calm it down.

Nora: You're no fun.

(Y/N): I know.

Nora smiled and poked your nose.

Nora: Boop.

You both laughed again and decided to head up back to the kitchen. Once there, Nora saw Hazel, rubbed his head and asked if he wanted something to eat. So, the three of you decided to have a nice family lunch. Hazel mentioned some of his homework which was just basic algebra here and there. It was kinda ridiculous how his school was teaching him how to solve fractions at four years old. Didn't seem right to you.

That didn't matter for now. The point is though, you three were having a great time with one another despite the heavy reliance on homework as a conversation piece. After lunch was over, you offered to help Hazel with his work while Nora went off somewhere in the house. You presumed she was working on her second job, the artist for Vanguard. Your first job was obviously that of huntsman and huntress but that didn't mean other jobs could be taken.

So, while you worked on math with your son, Nora drew up the art for your new issue of the comic that you had written. The problems were nothing overly difficult for you at least, but explaining this stuff to a four year old who had the energy of a hyperactive field mouse was not the best of ideas. So, after getting him to calm down, you both did the work and finished just a little bit after two in the afternoon.

Afterwards, you and Hazel went outside so he could burn off more energy. While outside, you walked over to a small stone in the yard and knelt down before it. On it read "Hazel Rainart: Loving Grandfather, warrior, friend" You sighed and placed a hand on the stone and let all your emotions settle down a bit.

Hazel: He was cool, wasn't he?

(Y/N): The coolest of the cool. Where do you think we got your name from?

Hazel: How cool am I?

(Y/N): Pretty cool. Not as cool as me though.

Hazel: What about Mom?

(Y/N): Oh, no she's way cooler than the two of us. You'll probably beat her though.

Hazel smiled a bit and the two of you played around a bit more. Finally, the two of you got back inside and you began to make dinner. Your plan was something hot today, easily able to melt in the mouth...so grilled cheese. If there was one thing in your friend group you were known for outside a lot of things, it was making a mean grilled cheese. As you were making dinner, you told Hazel to run up and see where Nora was.

You began to whistle a little tune to yourself will you worked and seemed to pass the time.

Hazel: Dad?

(Y/N): Yeah, kiddo? What's up?

Hazel: Mom's asleep. Should I go back up and wake her?

You and Nora had been on a scouting mission the night prior while Ren looked after Hazel. And yeah, you both were pretty beat. You were still as well, but stayed awake to take care of Hazel. So, you assumed the same with Nora.

(Y/N): Nah. Let her rest. Come on, we can split Mom's.

So, you and your son began to eat dinner and laughing sometimes here and there. You turned on a cartoon that Hazel loved and watched it alongside of him while you both ate. However, that didn't stop you from looking back towards the stairs, wondering when she would come down. Nora loved your grilled cheese, so it was a wonder where she had gone too. Despite all that, you and Hazel had a fun time and soon, it was off to bed.

You walked back inside your bedroom and saw that Nora was crashed on the desk, drool coming from her mouth. You chuckled a bit and pulled her away from the desk and picked her up bridal style and placed her in the bed. You were about to go out and clean up your station, but something pulled you back. You glanced down and saw that Nora was tugging on your cloths.

Nora: Stay...please.

(Y/N): Hey, I got things to do too.

Nora: Hazel's in bed already. And you ate my grilled cheese.

(Y/N): How do you know?

Nora: I know when you eat my food.

(Y/N): Technically, it was mine. I made it. So...yeah.

Nora: Well, there's nothing for you to do so-

(Y/N): One step ahead of you there.

You flipped Nora around and crawled into the bed with her and cuddled up to her. Nora cuddled back and used your chest as a back support. You leaned over and kissed her cheek as you both dozed off once again.

Nora: Hey, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Yeah?

Nora: I love you.

(Y/N): I love you too.

Nora Valkyrie X Male Reader: Thunder FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now