Explanation Please

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After getting out of the infirmary and even family day at Beacon, Nora had decided to do one important thing, confess her feelings for you. She was never really good with "personal" matters so, clearly Nora had no idea. She was NOT going for Jaune's idea. She had courage but not for something like this. Pyrrha and Ren's idea were essentially the same thing and that was to just say it. However, Nora was a more action packed type girl and knew that actions screamed louder than words. So, she decided to call you out on that special "Talk" moment and just go from there.

She expected to go straight into it. Get in, get done, maybe a date to that ice cream place down the road after. If he said yes anyway. But the second you pulled out the comic, Nora's entire plan shattered. She had confidence, just not to act upon her desires. And now, here she was, able to ask you out but not having the courage for it. What was the reason for it over all? Rejection, out of the league mentality, so forth and so on. Quite honestly, this was the first time Nora began to overthink every little detail in her life. Did she hate it? Yes. Did she hate not being able to confess to you? Even more so.

So, as the evening progressed, she kept pushing off the issue, trying to find a way to tell you. Nora ran through idea after idea after idea trying to find the perfect moment to tell while her confidence was high. However, she just...couldn't. Couldn't get herself out there to tell her feelings. So she kept pushing and pushing until you finally had enough. Once you began to dig in and try to figure out what she wanted, Nora acted.

She slammed her lips onto yours and kissed you. Nora felt like a million suns exploding around her as her passion consumed her. However, she then thought about you and how you would react to the sudden action. She quickly began to tear her lips away, but you wrapped your arms behind Nora and kept her close to you. Internally, she smiled and cheered and kept kissing you. Externally, she kept kissing you without a care in the world. However, once the need for air arose to quickly, you both pulled away.

Nora: I...I've been wanting to do that for a while now.

(Y/N): How long is a while, exactly?

Nora: Too long.

(Y/N): Ok, as cute as that was, don't act cheesy. This is why I'm the writer.

Nora and you laughed and bit, still holding onto one another without a care in the world. That's when you both noticed, you were still hanging onto one another. Before you both would let go and laugh it off but now, you wanted this. You both stayed still for a bit before you decided to crash some place else. So, you both went over to a bench and sat down, breathing heavily as the thoughts during the moment came crashing in.

You had kissed your crush. And she wanted it just as much as you did. Honestly, first love knocked it out of the park. Still, the lingering question of why arose.

(Y/N): So...why me? I would have thought you and Ren were-

Nora: Me and Ren? No, no, no, no, no! We were together. Not as in together-together, just you know, traveling a lot. I...never really had a crush until we met. I don't know exactly what it was that made me like you, I just...like all of you.

(Y/N): (Chuckles) Enough with the sap already.

You two laughed again.

(Y/N): But...I feel the same way. I really don't know why or what it is, but I just know when you're around, I feel butterflies in my stomach and get nervous, flustered and so forth and so on. You know? I just...I just really like everything about you and I couldn't say no to that face. Unless it's something stupid then I will say no.

Nora: What counts as stupid?

(Y/N): Oh, you'll figure out eventually.

Nora playfully hit your arm and you both smiled before returning your gazes upward to the starry night sky. You felt a little weight on your hand. You glanced down and saw that Nora had placed her hand on top of yours. You turned your hand and interlocked your fingers with her. You also saw Nora blush a little. You didn't care as you started to blush as well. Nora scooted over to you and laid her head down on your shoulder.

You let go of her hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and brought Nora closer to you. You both smiled with one another and kept staring. However, you then heard a loud yawn and turned to your side and saw Nora, slapping her lips together.

(Y/N): Tired?

Nora: Little bit. You'd think getting your crush as your boyfriend and eating ice cream would give me a butt load of energy. But clearly not.

(Y/N): Anyone could have told you that.

Silence returned. You knew she was basically going to pass out at any second. You smiled and leaned forward and let Nora slumped down and leaned against your back. You propered her up and got her onto your back and you began to walk off.

Nora: What are you doing?

(Y/N): Getting us home.

Nora rolled her eyes and began to clench onto your shirt while you walked back to the docks and got yourself a bullhead. The flight was slow, easy and relaxing for the both of you. Heck, the pilot even had to yell you guys just to wake up and get off of his ship. From there, you carried Nora out and throughout the halls of Beacon while humming a little song to her. She seemed to like it since she cuddled up closer to you as you did so.

Finally, you both got to her room and you slightly set her down onto the ground.

Nora: That was fun. Thanks for the carry.

(Y/N): Thanks for calling me out tonight. I...it means a lot, Nora.

Nora: I know. It means a lot for me too.

The two of you hugged once again before Nora leaned up and pecked you on the cheek and then kissed your lips once again. Like before, the kiss was a little awkward since it was only your second kiss in your whole life and the height difference didn't help much either. But regardless, you two did make it work.

Finally, Nora smiled, walked into her room and gave you a wink goodnight. Good night indeed.

Nora Valkyrie X Male Reader: Thunder FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now