Family Day

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A few days later, things had settled down since the whole endeavour with Nora and the library work. Ozpin along with Goodwitch sent out a letter to both students and parents telling of a plan to have a family weekend up at Beacon. Your grandfather was reluctant but decided to come on down the mountain. You were giddy as possible to see him again after around 2 months of being at Beacon and to see what he would say about the house up on the mountain. You were waiting with your teammates at the docks.

Silver was calm and collected as always. Burly was also excited but wasn't overly able to show it. Gure was much like yourself, giddy and ready to meet with his parents again.

Silver: I still do not see how desirable this could be? It has only been 2 months.

(Y/N): Yeah! Two months to long! Look, one day you will understand about seeing family.

Silver: I understand the family view, but I still don't understand why we have to do this.

Burly: Because some of us actually do miss our parents.

Gure: Speaking of.

An airbus moved up and landed at the docks. You all smiled as the doors open. A man wearing a suit stepped out with black hair and brown eyes. He walked up to Silver and looked down at him. Silver looked up at him, a bit of a glare on his face.

Silver: Father?

Silver's father kept the stare down until he broke it and hugged Silver. The boy looked a bit shocked but slowly began to hug back. You and your teammates smiled and returned your gazes back to the airbus and watched the others stepped out. Burly's aunt and uncle, Gure's mother and finally your grandfather. You ran over to him and hugged your grandpa.

(Y/N): Hi Grandpa.

Hazel: (Chuckles) Hello, (Y/N).

After initial introductions, you and your teammates and their families moved out to the amphitheater for introductions. Inside, you saw your other friends with their families. Ruby and Yang were with their father, Weiss had her sister, Gure offered Blake a spot with his parents which she agreed. Jaune had his father and two sisters with him since the rest were too young to visit. Pyrrha's father and mother came and then you saw Ren and Nora.

They had no one. You turned to your grandfather who peered down to you.

Hazel: Yes?

(Y/N): Those are some friends of mine. Can they join us?

Hazel: I see no problem with it. Invit them.

You smiled and walked over to the pair. When they saw you, Ren was the first to smile and Nora turned to you and gave you one of the largest smiles on her face.

(Y/N): Hey guys.

Ren: Hello, (Y/N).

Nora: Hey! What's going on?

(Y/N): Well, are your parents here?

Ren: No. They...couldn't make it.

Nora: Same.

(Y/N): want to join my grandpa and I? It's just us and I think it could be fun to-

Nora zipped over and looked in awe of your grandfather's arms.

Nora: tall! (To you) I thought you were joking!

(Y/N): I wasn't! You should see him fight! The guy grows bigger.

Hazel: Now, (Y/N). No need to go spreading information around.

(Y/N): Just saying, Grandpa.

Your grandfather laughed a bit and slapped you onto the back. You held your back in pain a bit and Nora rubbed your back a bit. You heard a cough and the four of you turned and saw Ozpin standing there. Before you could even say anything, your grandfather stepped between you and the headmaster and began to scowl at the teacher.

Hazel: Ozpin.

Ozpin: It is good to see you again.

Hazel: Can't say the feeling is mutual. (To you) (Y/N). How about you and your friends wait outside.

(Y/N): Uh...ok.

You, Ren and Nora walked outside and were still confused as to what just happened. After a few minutes, your grandfather stepped out and grew a smile upon seeing you and your friends goofing off. From there, the four of you set out headed out to the activity center to enjoy today. The campus became a practical fairgrounds for a day with games and parent-child things all around.

You and your grandfather went into a shootout, hitting metal ducks while Ren and Nora played some corn hole. Afterwards, you and Nora began to play some darts and water cannons, trying to make balloons pop the fastest to win some prizes. Nora beat you for the darts while you easily beat her for the water cannons. Later, you and Ren ran through a fun house, getting some kicks out of each other's reflections. When you returned, your grandfather was telling Nora some war stories and she was drawing down the images that came to mind.

You then found a "Test Your Strength" poll around the edge of the family weekend stuff. Nora smirked and challenged you all to the strength test. You went first and got around 70% percent up into the air. Ren did the same. Nora smirked and slammed the hammer down, getting up to a full 93%. Not hitting the bell but close. She then offered it to your grandfather with a confident smirk all over her face.

You laughed a bit as you knew who won this round. Your grandfather raised up the hammer with a single arm and dropped it onto the wedge, sending the poll up to the bell. Nora looked at both you and him in complete and utter shock. Despite that, he was still willing to buy you all dinner despite your pleads not to. You all had a fun time, just laughing with one another and your grandpa telling more stories.

Finally though, time had come for the day to end and everyone's parents were sent off. Gure got his out quickly due to them commenting on his and Blake's relationship with one another, much to Gure's embarrassment. Afterwards, Silver's father departed along with Burly's aunt and uncle. Finally, your grandfather got his stuff together and decided to head out too.

Nora: It was nice meeting you Mr. Rainart!

Hazel: Same to you both! It's nice to know my grandson has some nice people in his life.

(Y/N): Thanks Grandpa.

Hazel: Well, my boy, I'd best be off. The house isn't going to fix itself up.

(Y/N): Yeah. (Hugs him) Thanks Grandpa. For everything. I know you're not a fan of this place but-

Hazel: (Y/N). This is your choice. Not mine. safe, son.

(Y/N): I will. See ya, Grandpa Hazel.

Hazel: Till next time.

So, your grandfather got onto the airbus and headed off home. You turned around and saw Ren and Nora standing there.

Ren: Thank you, for letting us join you.

(Y/N): No problem. He liked you guys a lot.

Nora: (Y/N). I think it's time we tell you something.

(Y/N): Well, ok. Go for it.

Nora: No. In a bit more personal area.

You nodded and agreed. Needless than you know, this really did change the relationship for good. 

Nora Valkyrie X Male Reader: Thunder FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now