Temple Chase

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The second day of Beacon officially begun. You let out a yawn until you felt weight on your chest and slowly opened your eyes. On top of you was Nora, dressed and with one of the largest smiles ever thought up of in human history. Your eyes widen as Nora kept up the act of smiling down at you. You glanced over to Ren and saw him wide awake, packing up his gear already.

(Y/N): Uh? Nora? What are you-

Nora: Wake up, Sleepyhead. (Singing) It's morning, it's morning, it's morning!

Nora zips around the room with a massive smile on her face. You just keep looking at her with complete confusion on your face as she runs around, just as hyper as she was before. You had no words for it other than you were impressed. You glanced over to Ren who simply sighed and offered you a hand up which you accepted.

Ren: She's a handful.

(Y/N): Yeah. She's one tough cookie. You ever get use to it?

Ren: Well, I'm still mentally sane after 11 years so yes. You do.

(Y/N): Nice. Let's roll. I'm hungry.

Nora zips over to you and does a dramatic bow in front of you.

Nora: SAME!

You don't catch Nora and let her fall to the ground. She bumps her head and grabs the part that hit the ground. She looks up at you and gives you an annoyed angry look.

Nora: You were suppose to catch me!

(Y/N): Oh. That sounds like a "You" problem.

Nora groaned and got up. Before you could fully turn around and head off to breakfast, she jumped up onto your back and locked herself into position on it while pointing forward towards the dining hall.

Nora: Forward Noble Steed!

(Y/N): I am seriously starting to hate you!

Nora: (Grabs your cheeks and squeezes them) No you are not. And you know it! Now (lets your cheeks go) FORWARD!

You rolled your eyes and began to walk into the dining hall. Beacon offered a wide variety of breakfast items to choose from. You went with the usual omelet and some toast. Meanwhile both Ren and Nora got some pancakes. While Ren had a usual stack of pancakes, Nora had a massive tower of them, at least 12 on her plate plus an insane amount of syrup and butter. You looked on in total surprise of the sight. Nora turned and looked at you after she sucked up the first three pancakes in an instant.

Nora: Oh, uh-

(Y/N): Guess you really like pancakes?

Nora: Ren makes the best pancakes. It was what we had nearly every breakfast that I just learned to love them.

Ren: And now she's addicted to them.

Nora: Hey! I do not have an unhealthy obsession with them! I simply enjoy the fluffy flavor they add to breakfast very much.

(Y/N): Well that's SWEET, if you don't mind me saying.

Nora giggled as did Ren. You always were the pun master. Elsewhere in the room, Yang Xiao Long shuddered in complete terror next to her sister, Ruby Rose.

Ruby: Sis, what's up?

Yang: I have sensed something. Someone somewhere just made a pun...and people laughed in amusement. I have been dethroned.

Back to you and your friends. The three of you all talked with one another throughout the morning, getting to know one another more with every instance. According to Ren, the two of them travelled all the way to Beacon throughout Anima and had battled countless Grimm. Apparently, and this is Nora's story not Ren's, they made a killing selling Ursa skinned rugs from the monsters they killed along the pathway. Odd? Yes. Humorous? Also yes. After that was all said and done, you all had moved into the locker room and gotten things readied. You looked over and saw Nora has a grenade launcher in hand and was loading up rounds into it.

Nora Valkyrie X Male Reader: Thunder FriendsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon