The Talk

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After Nora gave you time and location, you got changed, grabbed your jacket and headed out to meet her at North Park. She had taken you up on your offer to talk about anything that could trouble her and you were going to go through with that promise no matter what. So, you got a bullhead down to Vale, road the bus to North Park and began to explore the area. You saw her standing by the docks. You smiled and walked over to her.

Nora: Hey.

(Y/N): Hey. How's the injury? Any major scrapes or scratches?

Nora: No. Medical guys said I was lucky.

(Y/N): Well, you were.

Nora: Psh! Nah! They got lucky for not having to deal with me.

You two laughed slightly and began to walk away from the docks.

(Y/N): So, I know you really want to talk about something, but I did just want to bring this one thing up.

Nora: What is it?

You reached into your jacket and pulled out what appeared as a large book. You then handed it off to Nora and she gasped at the sight. It was the joint comic you two made in official publish format.

Nora: How did you-

(Y/N): Found a site. It's a couple dollars for an issue of 100. I figured we could try and sell them? You know, make this thing real.

Nora didn't respond. She kept looking at the book. A single tear fell from her eye. Nora whipped the tear away and still let the tears fill her eyes. She sniffed a bit before clearing her eyes completely and smiling back at you.

Nora: This

(Y/N): (Chuckles) Finally got you speechless.

Nora: You butt!

The two of you laughed and continued on your walk. Nora began to read through the first issue to the comic and was giddy to see her artwork come to life. You were beyond happy to know that she was happy with your choice. However, she always kept trying to spin the conversation back to how much this cost you. Truthfully, it was a lot. Nearly 800 Lien. While it doesn't sound like a lot, for you it was seeing as you never had a job before and all your money came from funds your grandfather raised for you in case you didn't want to become a huntsmen.

However, despite all of that, the price, the shipping, the weeks of anticipation, it was all worth it to see that smile on Nora's face. You came to terms with having a crush on Nora but didn't know what to do upon it. You had never liked a girl this way before so you had no idea. Unknown to you, Nora was feeling the exact same way with you. Despite all the positive feelings you two held for one another, you both chose to stay awkward around one another.

(Y/N): Hey, so...what was it that you wanted to talk about exactly?

Nora stopped walking, basically freezing in her place. You turned back to her, a look of concern covered your face.

Nora: I, er, um-

(Y/N): You brought us out here. No offense, I assumed for a good reason. Not saying that spending time between friends isn't a good reason, it is. Trust me. But you called and you made the request. So...what's up?

Nora put down the comic, still seemingly frozen. She then gained a large smile and handed it back to you.

Nora: There's an ice cream place not to far from here. Let's grab a bite.

(Y/N): I mean sure, but what about-

Nora: Come on! Let's go!

Nora grabbed your hand and rushed off into the night. Both of you had blushes on your faces but refused to say or do anything about it. She guided you to a small ice cream shop and you two stepped inside. You both ordered and sat down in a small corner section and began to eat. The frozen treats were, needless to say, amazing but the fact that she called you down here. Clearly she had something on her mind, as to what it was, you had no idea.

You glanced from outside back to Nora and saw that she was still silent.

(Y/N): Hey, Nora.

She is shocked out of her stare and looks back to you.

Nora: Yep! What's up silly-bean?

(Y/N): Look, I know you are beating around the bush. And that's fine, but no offense, you can't dodge whatever it is you wanted to talk about tonight.

Nora: I know, I know. Shesh! Always so serious.

(Y/N): Hey, with you? Someone has to be the mature one here.

Nora rolled her eyes and the two of you shared in a cutesy laugh together. However, Nora still didn't bring up the topic again and instead insisted on going outside and checking out a small skate park that she wanted to sketch up. You were growing more and more annoyed but agreed since it could lead you closer as to what Nora wanted to talk about. So, you both walked back to the park and chilled out besides the skate park and Nora began to draw it. She explained she had a scene in mind for the comic, a battle sequence.

It sounded pretty interesting and besides, you have mainly done city battles or close quarters combat so it sounded like a nice change of pace. Plus, you and Nora had begun to develop a speed base hero who used hover boots to move around so fast. So, your next idea was confirmed and you began to write down a few character traits here and there.

You turned back to Nora and saw her completely in the zone with her art. Despite the insane quality of the art, you knew that look on her face, she was out of it. Was it her injury? No because if that was the case you could tell right away. Was it you? No, she wanted you here. Was she concern over her artwork? Maybe. She did say she had desires to stay small.

(Y/N): Nora? Are you worried about the comic? Look, if you don't want to go big, you just have to say so. You don't need to stand by while I take away something you love.

Nora: I would like some input before you act, yes. But I'm not angry or upset about that.

(Y/N): Then what's the problem here?! Look, Nora, I love hanging out with you. It's so much fun. But you called me about having a talk about an important problem. Now, I expected us to get into it, or ease into the issue. But you haven't at all Nora. You've been dodging it completely. No, you know I love a good time but when the time comes, I need to be serious. So...what on earth did you drag me here for and how can I-

Nora silenced you right there. However, it was not through the means in which you thought it would be. Nora slammed her lips onto yours and kissed you. You were kissing your crush. 

Nora Valkyrie X Male Reader: Thunder FriendsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя