"Okay, calm down, princess or you will choke." I joked taking a fork myself and felt my taste buds exploding. "Oh god... this is good."

"I know... I'm surprised at myself. Last time I tried to cook something in the pot, I put to match salt and Sophie spit out everything on my little brother, Jason." Andrea spoke as she was done chewing and start showing again.

Someone is really hungry. I'm not complaining. I love to see this carefree side of hers when she isn't worried about something... when it's both of us enjoying each other company.

My heart tugged inside my chest and my body filled with warmth when I looked at the girl with brown hair as she had a sauce on her chin still chewing her chicken. She was completely obvious to my stare or she simply chooses to ignore me... which I'm glad for. I don't know What is it, but having a way to look at her without her noticing makes my heart rate double the speed.

We ate in the silence with me continuing to stare at the younger girl and her being lost in her own world as hurriedly shove her food down her throat. It was amusing to watch.

I put a fork in the plate picking a glass of red wine and took a sip scrunching my nose at the sour taste. That is one of the reasons why I never drink wine and chose stronger liquors instead, but of course, time to time I can drink glass or two of this strange drink.

After we both were done eating I picked plates and walked to the kitchen to wash them while Andrea walked to the room for something. Putting plates in their rightful place I dried my hand and trailed to the living room who I found empty, but doors the terrace was ajar open, letting the chilly breeze of spring get in.

I walked towards it and found Andrea sitting on one of the chairs staring at the sky who was dark without any stars as the city lights overshadow them. She didn't notice me coming and I take it as an invitation to sit beside her only noticing her hold a pack of cigarettes.

"You smoke?" I asked in disbelief not believing she would smoke. I never saw her, not even once to smoke and I practically every minute with her.

"Sometimes, when I need a minute." She shrugged looking at the far end, but not really focusing her gaze. "You want one?" She pushed a full pack of cigarettes.

"No, thanks." I shook head cringing at the bad taste in my mouth. "Got a bad experience with them."

She didn't say anything as we both once again fell into the silence. The only light source was cigarette tip lighting every time she inhaled a puff of smoke with her eyes still set on the building in front of her.

"Do you remember saying to me something before you fell asleep?" She asked turning her head to my side with her eyes shiny with a strange light. "I heard you saying something, but I'm not sure what it was."

I close eyes trying to remember and I did. My throat went dry and the tempting feeling of taking her offers by hitting a death stick was appealing to me right now. My hands start shaking and Andrea intense gaze at my side didn't ease my nerves.

Why would I say something like this?

I mean, sure I like her and a lot. She's the first thought in a morning and the last at night, but telling those three words isn't something I had in mind and let alone let her hear it. I'm so stupid. What if she knows what I told her and now she's trying to test me? What if I admit and I scare her off?

What if...

I swallowed the lump in my throat and muster a small smile before shaking head. "No, I don't think so... my mind was a little full of something else." I smirked trying to push the clenching feeling around my heart.

Sleeping With My BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now