Chapter. 2

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The soft breeze of wind hit my face as I exited condo building. It was still an early morning to a normal person to be awake, but to me, it's a normal morning routine. My work requires punctual if I going to be late someone could get hurt or simply I get fired. I don't want that.

Slipping the dark shades on my eyes, hiding from harsh sunlight I moved toward black Audi A5 parked at the end of a parking lot. Yesterday I got an email with needed information about my new assignment and my presence is required today in the early morning. Mr. Harringot, an old friend of my boss asked to have 'talk' with me.

Maybe he wouldn't like me and he would fire me?

I shook head. I just can hope for miracle who save me from protecting the barbie girl from getting late in the class. Why did Mr. Sanders always have to be so damn greedy for money, if it wouldn't for money there's no way he would assign his best bodyguard to some old friend. It's not the first time I have to do random jobs protecting old, young, but one thing in common having people... money.

They all have money.

A half an hour later I finally reached my final destination. It was in the rich part of the city. The part where wealthiest people live. I moved my car near the gated property and saw the guard coming my way. Look, they even have security on the whole street, how convenient.

"Good morning sir. Do you have an appointment today?" He asked in a monotonous tone. I rolled eyes sir can way really not see that I am not a man? If I wear suits and ties and my hair is short doesn't mean I am a man. My clothes don't define my gender... okay, Mave it's too early for your daily rant I reminded myself


Ignoring his words I gave a paper who I got with an email. "Yes, Mr. Harrington is expecting me," I muttered.

His eyes scanned a paper and after another minuted nodded giving me the paperback. "You may go."

Big black gates made loud screech before slowly opening, letting me in. I drove past tall trees leading straight to the big two-story modern house. Most people would say it's a beautiful, fascinating even, but to me... I've seen every kind of house, from the small to the bigger one. From the modern style to the antique.

Architecture doesn't make my giddy anymore.

I parked the car near the entrance where couple guards in the black suits and black ties walking around. They had earpieces in the ear, communicating with each other. Why do they need another one bodyguard if they have the whole bunch of them?

As I was about to get out of the car and go talk with a Mr. Harrington my car doors were yanked and young girl with shoulder length light brown hair got in. Her head was down, not giving me view to her face. Who is this girl? I raised eyebrows at her. "Good, you're here. Drive." She demanded not looking at me.

"Sorry, but who are you again and why are you in my car?" I asked trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"Uh, why does dad always hire dumb ones." I heard her mutter under the nose. "I'm your boss or whatever, now can you please drive?" She asked, typing rapidly on her phone.

Okay, wait up. This girl is the same girl I need to protect 24/7? I thought I would start my work tomorrow and email from Mr. Harrington was said it just finalizing last things for my work in here. So what is she doing in my car? And why is she demanding? Don't she ever learn how to ask politely?

I pinch the bridge of my nose, letting out a long deep breath. Calm down, you can't lash out on her, you need to keep this job may be for a week I calmly turned my head to her and snatch her white iPhone. "Hey! What are you doing?! I was typing." She protested loudly.

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