Chapter. 9

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"So you're still not going to answer why the hell did you leave at the party?" I asked taking a bite of deliciously made chicken as I stared at the blue-eyed devil sitting in front of me. I have a break from classes and of course, Maverick join me, because she's afraid Caleb would show up and would do something.

She ignored my questions whole weekend since she saw me taking breakfast at the Lacy with still wet hair and Lacy's clothes. Talking about Lacy, we actually start talking and she seems cool, not like her uptight sister who gives me cold eyes every time she sees me texting Lacy mentioning her name to Sophie.

I don't know what's her problem.

She's acting strange and I don't like it.

Maverick smirked, shaking head while sipping her black coffee. Ugh, I hate when she does that. Send me one of her's signature smile and then ignores like she isn't working with me or anything. I stabbed a fork into the chicken and put a piece inside my mouth sending Maverick a harsh glare.

"Calm down, princess. The chicken didn't do anything for you." She suddenly spoke giving an amused look to me.

"Oh, so you're talking now? That's bad... I finally thought I wouldn't have to hear your stupid voice again." I said giving fakest smile I could pull of.

"Wow, that's harsh, princess." She gasped feigning hurt look while putting a hand on the chest.

"Thanks, I'm really trying, darling."

"Don't call me that." Maverick snapped putting a cup on the table while her blue eyes glared at me, making my heart do a flip inside my chest.

"What did you said, darling? I have a hard way to hear from you." I smiled widely putting a hand on the ear.

Gosh, how much I actually love to annoy Maverick. How her face twitches in anger and annoyance every time I do everything opposite she tells me. Her whole face becomes red like one of those cartoonish characters. I think she needs to take a visit to a therapist. I really worried about her well being.

What if she lashes out on me one day?

We fell into silence, but it wasn't tense. I kept eating my food while constantly checking my phone because dad told me to wait for his email about a rescheduled meeting with him. I still don't understand why do I have to wait to see my dad. Ugh, I think I would never understand what happening in my dad's head.

I looked at Maverick who was lost in her own thoughts. Her short, black hair was neatly brushed back in the same way she always has then she works. Her dark blue jacket was hanging on the chair leaving her in an only white dress shirt and dark blue tie.

I can't lie... in that suit she looks damn good.

I wonder what's underneath that... Oh my god, Andrea! Why would you ever wonder about that?!

Because she's hot?

Wait for no... okay, I agree. But you can't just think about your bodyguard like that!

Shit, I start talking with myself again. Maybe it's me who needs to visit a therapist? It was long since I was last time... No, I think Mrs. Jefferson didn't miss me not even a bit. That woman probably thought I'm crazy.

Well, you're crazy... what you're talking about?

Shut up!

Don't tell me what to!

Here we go again. I really need to stop arguing with myself. But I can't help it, It's like my mind has a mind of itself and usually argue about every damn thing... like my constant battle about Maverick and how I can't stop thinking about the blue-eyed devil.

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