•Chapter 23• mon amour

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As Hercules walked the frenchmans back from work block, he couldnt help but wonder what someone as sweet as Lafayette could have possibly done to deserve to be in here.

Finally, curiousity won over and he asked.

"Lafayette.." he mumbled, looking at the mans sweet face.

"Oui?" The man responded, wondering why Hercules seemed to be having such a hard time finding the right words.

"I hope you dont mind me asking.." Hercules added quickly.

"You can ask me anything, mon ami." Lafayette said, the man still hesitating before saying the next part.

"What did you do? That you got in here?" Hercules asked, instantly regretting it as the man fell silent.

"...something very very bad, mon amour..." Lafayette whispered, neither of the men noticing his mistake in the moment.

"Im so sorry for asking, i-i should never had-" Hercules said, feeling horrible. He never ment to hurt Lafayette. He would never even think of it.

Never in his life will Hercules ever wish a single negative thought for his frenchman.

"Its okay." Lafayette said, smiling through the tears that pricked at his eyes, on the brink of falling.

"Are you sure?" Hercules added, his face ridden with concern.

"Oui, certain." He responded, walking forward and slowly hugging the guard. Hercules, feeling nothing but sympathy in that moment, hugged back with a passion that he had been hiding for far too long.

Lafayette silently cried a little, his salty tears creating small dark spots in Hercules' baby blue gaurd shirt.

"Im sorry." The irishan whispered into the mans hair, holding him tightly in his arms. Lafayette noded, whispering back.

"Its okay." He said as he buried his face far into the man's shoulder. It seemed like for a moment he forgot what he was even crying about, he was too distracted by the warm comfort of Hercules' arms around his body.

It was tight. Secure. Safe.

It was pure bliss.

*Tim tim skomp*

Hercules walked his rounds that evening, still unable to understand how Lafayette could be here.

What could he have possibly done?

The man seemed far too sweet and considerate to do whatever he says he did.

An idea poped in the irishman's head. He knew it was bad. He knew it could get him in serious trouble.

But once he had thought of it there was no going back.

When no one was looking, he slid into the file room, softly closing the door behind hin.

He was greeted with walls of filing cabinets which were alphabetically labelled.

After struggling over which of his many names the frenchman would be filed under, and then sorting through, Hercules finally had the mans file in his hand. It was thick, and as soon as he opened it he found the police report, which was stamped with "inconclusive evidence."

The next page had a written report.

"In the night of question, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette was found at the crime scene where his boyfriend Muhammad Johnson died from a bullet wound. They had been in a minor car accident, and  "Lafayette" sustained a minor concussion which caused memory loss..." 

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