"Oh to what do I owe this honor?" Hyunjae asked setting her pencil down.

Yuta smirked as he sat down across from her, "Nothing I just saw you and wanted to chat."

"Okay. That's interesting." Hyunjae didn't exactly believe him. He seemed to have another motive.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked seriously.

Hyunjae's eyes widened in confusion. The sudden serious tone really had her a bit shook. What could he possibly wanna ask her? They didn't even know each other that well so something was up.

"Sure but if it's weird I'll clock you," She said seriously.

"When are you gonna teach me how to paint?" He asked.

Hyunjae looked at his facial expression. He looked like a little kid who just wanted another cookie or candy. He looked adorable despite all the shiny earrings he wore and his ginger hair.

"Oh. Well whenever I'm free I can. I mean I didn't know how to contact you aside from class," She admitted.

Their little food date was super random and they didn't really talk after that, even while in class. They did their own thing like most college students did. His mouth made an o shape at the realization that he never asked for her number.

"Oh yeah huh. Well here just give me your number," He said taking his phone out and unlocking it.

Hyunjae was about to make a comment but she just typed her number in without a word. She hardly ever gave strangers or acquaintances her number, but Yuta was becoming an exception. She handed back the phone satisfied. Yuta looked at his phone and laughed.

"Jae Z?" He asked with a laugh.

She nodded happily with her name in his phone. It was an inside joke between her friends, but she couldn't think of anything else at the moment.

"Well it makes sense since you're a pretty good rapper," he said nonchalantly.

Hyunjae smiles, "Thanks, I really don't think I am-" her eyes widened as her brain processed what the fuck he had just said. She felt chills as she realized that he really said that. "I'm sorry what?"

Yuta smiled playfully, "I said you're a pretty good rapper."

Did he find out about her past? How the fuck did he know she was a rapper, er well rapper in the past? She was a hundred percent sure he found out. How though? Was he some kind of stalker? She's just trying to get away from the past, how did it keep finding her?


"You were cool at the club, I honestly didn't think I'd find you there let alone see you up on stage," He chuckled thinking about how she performed at the club.

Hyunjae let out a breath of relief, "Oh you were at the club? That was a one time thing, my friend made me go up there and I was drunk soo yeah, please don't tell anyone."

Yuta shrugged looking at her almost gleaming, "Dude it doesn't matter that was still super cool. There's so much I don't know about you. And you have my word."

Yuta was more than just curious he was intrigued. He knew there was something different about Hyunjae but he just couldn't tell what, but now he wanted to find out.

"Trust me I'm not as cool as I play out to be," She admitted with a small chuckle, "All I do is draw and occasionally binge watch shows. But what were you doing at the club anyway?"

Now it was her turn to question yuta. She didn't think he was a clubbing type of guy so she was surprised to hear that he was there.

"I went to support my own friend but he ended up chickening out," Yuta responded with a small chuckle, "Can I see what you're working on?"

Wannabe // NCT College AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora