Chapter 23 "Find This Prick"

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Severide pulls into the railroad yard and drives around looking for Shaylynn.
Getting frustrated because he can't find her, he comes to the next to the last row of railcars when he sees her lying on the ground at the end of row.
Speeding to the end, he brakes hard and jumps out running over to her to see she has no pants on along with her shirt being ripped open and her face is all bloody and swollen.
Running back to his car, he grabs a blanket and runs back to her, "Shaylynn, can you hear me?" Severide asks her trying to get her to stand up.
She slowly opens her eyes, "Who did this to you?!" he asks pissed off helping her to stand.
"Christian and another guy," she says as she stands up, Severide puts the blanket around her.
Severide slowly helps her to his car, "Christian's dead!" he tells her as he opens the passenger door and helps her in.
Shaylynn shakes her head, "No, he's not!" she tells him as she slowly sits down in the passenger seat.
Once she's in, Severide quickly makes his way over to the driver's side and gets in.
Speeding out of the railroad yard, he races to Med.


Dr. Halstead looks to his side to see Severide helping a bloody and beaten Shaylynn walk into the ED.
He quickly makes his way over to them, "What happened to her?" Dr. Halstead asks Severide as he leads them over to Treatment two.
"Obviously she was beaten," Severide says as he helps Shaylynn into the treatment room.
Both he and Dr. Halstead help her up onto the bed, "Shaylynn, do you know who did this to you?" Dr. Halstead asks her.
"Yes," she says closing her eyes.
Dr. Halstead pulls Severide to the side, "Call Jay and tell him what happened!"
Severide nods and starts walking out as Dr. Halstead turns his attention back to Shaylynn.
"Shaylynn, the people who did this, were they males?" Dr. Halstead asks getting Severide's attention so he stops outside the door to listen.
"Of course it was!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Did they rape you?" Dr. Halstead asks.
"Yes," Shaylynn says turning her head.
Hearing that answer Severide's face turns red with anger. He walks out of the ED, then outside to call Halstead.
On the third try, Halstead finally answers, "Yeah," Severide hears Halstead say with girls in the background.
"Where the fuck are you with girls in the background?!" Severide asks him pissed off to the point he's going to kick Halstead's ass when he sees him.
"I'm undercover," Halstead tells him in a whisper, "What do you want Kelly?"
"Shaylynn's at Med. She's been beaten and raped! She said Christian did it!" Severide tells him.
"I'm on my way!" Halstead tells him hanging up.

Within the next five minutes, the whole Intelligence Unit is walking into the ED waiting area as Halstead walks into the ED.
Halstead looks and sees Severide standing outside Treatment two and rushes over.
He stands beside Severide looking in at Shaylynn as Dr. Charles talks to her.
Dr. Halstead walks up and stands beside his brother, Halstead looks over at him, "Are you the one who's treating her?"
"I am," Dr. Halstead says.
"Please tell me she wasn't raped," Halstead says with his eyes getting glassy.
"I wish I could tell you that but I would be lying," Dr. Halstead tells his brother wishing he didn't have to.
"When is he going to be done talking to her?" Halstead asks.
"When he's done," Dr. Halstead says, "I'll check back in a few."
Dr. Halstead walks away as Halstead looks at Severide, "She called you?" he questions.
"I'm sure she called you first," Severide tells him.
Halstead takes out his phone and looks at his calls. Sure enough, there's a call from Shaylynn forty minutes ago.
His heart rips in two, "Where were you?" Severide asks him.
"At a girls detention center," Halstead says, "Girls from there have been picked up for prostitution but they can't get out of there on their own. So someone on the inside is helping them but I've found out more is going on," he tells Severide as Dr. Charles starts walking out.
Halstead blows past him to get to Shaylynn.
He walks up to her and can't hold the tears back any longer.
Nothing is said between them as Halstead bends down and hugs her.
"Riley," Shaylynn says in his ear.
Halstead backs up some to look at her, "What about Riley?" he asks her.
"She needs to be picked up," she tells him, "Something was going on with her boyfriend so I took her to him."
"I don't want to leave you!" he tells her.
"I'll be fine! She's more important! Now go and get her!" Shaylynn tells him then tells him the address.
Halstead rubs his hand along her battered cheek, "I'll be back soon," he tells her, "I love you!"
"I love you, too," Shaylyyn tells him.
He kisses her before standing up.
Walking out of the treatment room, Halstead walks out to the waiting area.
Hank stands up, followed by everyone else as he walks over to Halstead, "How is she?" Hank asks.
"She's pretty battered!" Halstead says pissed off, "She was also raped!"
Everyone's expressions turn to anger, "Did she say anything about her attacker?" Hank asks Halstead.
"She knows him! His name is Christian Hunter," Halstead says, his face becoming red, "I have to go and pick Riley up. Then I'll be back."
Hank nods.
Halstead walks out of Med toward his truck as Severide walks out of the ED.
"You brought her here?" Hank asks Severide.
"Yes, she called me," Severide tells him.
"Thanks, Kelly!" Hank says as he looks at everyone else, "Let's find this prick!" he tells them.
"Hank," Severide says, "Shaylynn's bag was missing from her car because she called me from a different number. When I asked her about it that's when she told me she had to call me from a burner phone."
Hank nods, "You heard him! They took Shaylynn's bag so keep an eye on her credit cards for purchases!" he tells everyone, "Go back to the District and get busy!"
They all nod at him and walk out of Med.
"I'm staying here so you can go and get back to Beth," Hank tells Severide.
"Are you sure?" Severide asks him.
"Yeah, go ahead! After Jay's done doing what he needs to do he'll be back," Hank tells him.
They hug each other, "Thanks for being there for her!" Hank tells Severide.
Severide smiles as he nods then walks out of Med.


After taking care of Riley, Halstead heads back to Med.
Walking in, he receives a text that Shaylynn was moved upstairs to room eight sixty-one.

Finding the room, Halstead walks in to see Hank sitting in the chair beside Shaylynn's bed with her asleep.
Hank looks to the side to see Halstead standing there, he stands up and walks over to him, "I'm going to head to the District. The detention center has been put on hold," Hank says putting his hand on Halstead's shoulder, "I'm going to have two uniformed officers put on guard outside her door."
Halstead shakes his head 'no', "There's no need for that! I'm staying here with her! No one will hurt her ever again!" he tells Hank.
Hank nods at him as he pats Halstead on the shoulder.
Walking past him, Hank walks out of the room.

Later that night in the early morning hours, Halstead can sense that someone has walked into the room.
He quickly picks up his gun from his lap and points it at the other person, "Hey, put the gun down!" he hears a man say.
Not being able to see who it is just by the moonlight coming in through the windows, Halstead turns on one of the lights that's beside Shaylynn's bed to see Austin standing there.
"Why are you here?" Halstead asks him.
"Just because she picked you doesn't mean I don't still love her! You just can't turn those feelings off with a switch," Austin tells him.
"How did you know she was at Med?" Halstead asks.
"I know people who work here. They called me and said she was here and in bad shape," Austin says looking at Shaylynn, "What happened to her?"
Halstead hesitates before saying anything, "She was beaten and raped!" he tells Austin.
He turns to look at Austin to see his face is red and his hands have become fists, "Any idea who did it?" Austin asks.
"Yes," Halstead tells him.
Austin looks at Halstead with a surprised look, "Who?"
"I can't tell you that!" Halstead says looking at him.
"Look, I know we don't see eye to eye but we have something in common, we both love her! Tell me who it is and if you happen to have a picture of him show me so I can keep an eye out for him while I'm out and you never know, he might walk into one of my gyms," Austin tells him.
Halstead thinks about it and against his better judgment he pulls up a picture of Christian on his phone.
He stands up, puts his gun in his holster, walks over to Austin and shows him the picture, "His name is Christian Hunter. If you see him you make sure you call me," Halstead says handing Austin one of his cards.
Austin takes the card and looks at it, "Sure," he says.
"I'm serious! Don't think you're going to do anything on your own! Christian was a hitman for the FBI!" Halstead tells him
"I hear ya!" Austin says, "I better get out of here before a nurse finds me."
Austin turns and walks out of the room.


Standing under one of the many train overpasses, Christian waits for who he's supposed to be meeting.

After waiting ten minutes a car finally pulls up with someone getting out and starts walking over to him.
"Ingrid," Christian says.
"It's Agent Lee to you!" she tells him, "Did you take care of the matter?"
"Yeah, I took care of the matter," he tells her, "And enjoyed every minute of it!"
Lee shakes her head, "I don't want to know what that means!" she tells him.
"She's not going to be worried about your case now," he says.
"She shouldn't have stuck her nose in it, to begin with!" Lee tells him.
"Let me know if you need me to take care of the matter again," he says, "I can still smell her on me!" he tells Lee with a huge smile on his face.
Christian walks over to his car, gets in, and drives off leaving Lee to stand there alone.


The character Riley who's mentioned belongs to ChloeOgradyXo

The character Beth who's mention belongs to Paulinemartin100

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