Chapter 2 "Do You Have A Permit"

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"Call Beth," Shaylynn tells her car.
Beth answers, "Hey, how are things?" she asks.
"I've just seen Upton running her fingers through my husband's hair at a scene! She had a huge fucking smile on her face!" Shaylynn tells her.
"There's probably a logical explanation! Or you're just imagining it!" Beth tells her.
"I'm not! And I'm not imagining a target on the back of her head either!" Shaylynn says.
"Oh fuck! Where are you?" Beth asks her.
"On my way home to see Jacquelyn for a few hours," Shaylynn says.
"Give him a call," Beth tells her.
"No! I'll be keeping my eyes on him!" Shaylynn says, "I have to go. I'm pulling up to the gate."
Shaylynn pushes a button on her steering wheel to disconnect the call.


Pulling into the garage, Shaylynn can't believe what she saw.
Walking out of the garage, she hears laughing from the backyard so she heads that way.
Walking around back, sees Jacquelyn on a swing with Jill, the new nanny, pushing her.
"Mommy!" Jacquelyn yells as she's pushed forward.
"Hi, Sweetheart!" Shaylynn says as Jacquelyn continues to swing.
"Stop, please," Jacquelyn says then Jill stops her.
Jacquelyn hops down off the swing and gives her mom a hug before running over to the play fort.
Shaylynn and Jill walk over to the outdoor table and sit down, "Is everything okay?" Jill asks her.
"Just worried about the boys," Shaylynn says giving her a half-truth.
"They're going to be fine," Jill tells her.
"Jilly," Jacquelyn yells.
"Coming," Jill says as she stands up smiling at Shaylynn before walking over to where Jacquelyn is.
Shaylynn tries to erase the image from her mind but it won't go away.
How stupid she's been to believe there wasn't anything going on between Halstead and Upton, especially when he's notorious with hooking up with his partners.
Now she understands why he wanted to get back to work right away.
Standing up, Shaylynn walks over to Jill, "I'm heading out," she says really low.
"Alright, should I expect you for supper?" Jill asks.
Shaylynn shakes her head 'no', "Should I expect Jay?" Jill asks her.
"I don't know. You'll have to call him and ask. I'll see you later," Shaylynn says, "Jacquelyn, Mommy has some business to take care of."
"Okay," Jacquelyn says as she comes down and gives her mom a hug, "Bye, Mommy!" she says before going back up in her fort.
Shaylynn walks toward the house and walks in, pissed off!
She gets a bottle of water out of the refrigerator, 'How dare Jay and Hailey do this shit!' keeps going through her head as she walks to the garage to her Ferrari.
Pulling out of the garage, the door goes down as Shaylynn speeds down the driveway.


Speeding down the Freeway, Shaylynn's phone rings. She pushes a button so it goes through her car speakers.
"Hello," she says.
"Where are you?" Alexander asks her.
"Speeding on the Freeway, why?" she asks him.
"The woman who shot the purse snatcher has now shot up a mall trying to catch a shoplifter. But now she's wearing a blonde wig," Alexander tells her.
"Fuck!" Shaylynn yells, "What mall?" she asks.
"North Ridge," he tells her.
"I'm heading that way!" Shaylynn tells him.
"But you're supposed to be on leave," Alexander tells her.
"Then you shouldn't have called me! Stupid thing to do and ask me where I am knowing it would only take me one shot to take the person down!" Shaylynn says pissed off hanging up on him, "Dumbass!"
Shaylynn goes into sixth gear taking off faster down the Freeway.


Shaylynn pulls into the parking garage that's attached to North Ridge.
Driving each level, she sees a blonde sitting in a car.
Finding a parking spot, Shaylynn parks. She puts the silencer on her gun and gets out.
Walking over to the other car, Shaylynn shoots at the back tires so she can't try to take off.
She walks up to the driver's side, opens the door pulling 'Alexandrea' out of the car.
Alexandrea looks at her frightened when Shaylynn puts her gun up under her jaw.
"Why are you acting like me for? Now you're even wearing a wig!" Shaylynn says ripping it off.
"But I'm Alexandrea Voight!" the woman says.
"Your name is Kim Johnson!" Shaylynn shouts at her, Kim then starts going into fits at the sound of the name.
"Don't say that name! I'm Alexandrea Voight! I'm Hank Voight's daughter and married to Jay Halstead!" she shouts.
Shaylynn presses her gun harder up into Kim's jaw, "I'm the only daughter Hank Voight has and you are not married to Jay Halstead, I am!" she tells her as sirens are heard making their way up the parking garage.
Three cars and a truck stop behind Kim's car, "Shaylynn!" she hears Hank yell.
He starts walking over to her, "Let us have her. We'll make sure she goes away from a long time! She obviously knows what she's doing!" he tells her.
Shaylynn let's go and pushes her toward Hank with the look of dissatisfaction on her face.
She takes the silencer off her gun and puts it in her pocket then puts her gun in its holster.
Walking toward her car, Halstead grabs her arm, "What were you going to do?" he asks her.
Shaylynn gets her arm out of his grip, then hits him on the chest sending him backward, "Leave me alone!" she yells at him and continues to walk to her car.
Halstead looks surprised and follows her, "What's wrong with you?!" he asks when he catches up.
"There's nothing wrong with me! My eyes are wide open now! I was such a fool thinking you wouldn't hook up with another damn partner! You just can't help yourself! You're a fucking dog, Jay Halstead! And I'm not your second choice toy!" Shaylynn tells him angrily.
Shaylynn opens her car door and gets in.
She quickly pulls out of the parking spot, puts it in gear, and speeds down the ramps.
"Is everything alright?" Ruzek asks him.
Halstead shakes his head, "I don't know but I'm going to find out! Can Hailey catch a ride with you?" he asks Ruzek.
"Sure," Ruzek says.
Halstead hurries back to his truck, gets in, and speeds down the ramps after Shaylynn.

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