Chapter 14 "Ghosties"

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Shaylynn quickly walks to her car, puts her bags in the back and gets in when her phone rings.
"Hello," she says as she pushes on the dash to start the car.
"Can you come to the District? I need to talk to you," Hank says.
"Sure. I'll be there in fifteen minutes," Shaylynn tells him hanging up.
She pulls out of the parking spot trying to forget about Austin.


Walking up the steps to the Intelligence bullpen, Shaylynn doesn't see anyone.
Standing there, everyone starts walking in from the back, that's when she sees Rixton.
As Hank walks up to her, he nods his head toward his office.
She follows him.
They walk into the office, Hank closing the door.
"Why did you want me to come here for?" Shaylynn asks him.
Hank gives her a look, "I wanted to put you on the team but the new Captain had other ideas and put Kenny back on," he tells her.
"Okay, no big deal! I'm with the FBI anyway. Who is Kenny going to be partnered up with?" Shaylynn asks.
"Jay," Hank tells her.
Shaylynn glares at him, "Oh, that's perfect! An ex-boyfriend with my fianceé!"
"Jay is the one without a partner so of course Kenny would be partnered with him," Hank says giving her a funny look, "Jay put in for a week long furlough but hasn't given any dates. Is there something you need to tell me."
Shaylynn sighs, "As soon as the boys get the green light to travel, Jay, myself, Jacquelyn, Jill, and Jenna will be going off to Belize to get married," she tells him.
"No family?" he questions.
"Everyone saw us renew our vows, at least at the time we thought we were renewing vows. We're just going to make this intimate," she tells him.
Hank smiles at her, "I understand! I'm happy you two are back together. During that time you two were on the outs, Jay was miserable!"
"I don't want to talk about that," Shaylynn tells him, "I better be going," she tells him.
"See ya," Hank says.
Shaylynn opens and walks out the door, Halstead sitting at his desk looks to his left and sees it's her.
He stands up, grabs her hand, and pulls her to the back.

Walking into the locker room, Halstead looks around to see if anyone's around. When he doesn't find anyone, he closes the doors.
"Jay, what are you doing?" Shaylynn asks him.
"I had a friend look into Austin," he tells her.
Shaylynn gives him a look, "You mean a cop friend?" she asks, "Why didn't you just do it yourself?"
"So it wouldn't look suspicious," he tells her, "What he found out is Austin bought the house by ours."
"Jay, that house is over 20 acres away," Shaylynn reminds him, "Plus we have a state of the art security system."
"What about Erin getting in?" Halstead asks.
"That bitch went through the gates as they were closing. I had the speed of them closing sped up so that doesn't happen again. Now if someone thinks about doing that, they'll be crushed," Shaylynn tells him.
Halstead puts his hands on her hips and pulls her to him, "I just don't want anything or anyone ruining things for us! When all this happened with Abby I thought for sure I wasn't going to get you back! Especially from Austin with all he has."
"What do you mean with all he has?" Shaylynn asks him.
"He owns several gyms. Has a nice car could have more for all I know, a lot of money in the bank, owns a business, and then the way he looks," Halstead says.
Shaylynn puts her hands on his face cupping it between them, "I love you for you! There's nothing in this world I want from you except for you to love me! Well that and something else," she tells him looking down at his crotch.
She looks back up at him and sees he's smiling, "You can have that anytime you want," he tells her.
"I better be going," Shaylynn tells him.
She kisses him then walks over to the door opening it and walks out.


The next morning, Halstead's in the kitchen making breakfast when Shaylynn comes storming in.
"Oh, I'm going to kill her!" Shaylynn spurts out.
"Oh no! What's wrong?" Halstead asks her.
"I talked to Beth again and she's going to talk to Mark. I know she is!" Shaylynn states.
"Is she in New York then?" Halstead asks.
"Yeah!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Tell Kelly. He'll fly straight over there!" he says flipping pancakes.
"You know what, I'm going to do just that! He needs to show her who's the boss!" Shaylynn says unlocking her phone.
"I can't believe that guy's alive!" Halstead says.
"Next time he won't be so lucky!" she tells him as finds Severide number.
"Hey," she hears Severide say.
"She's in New York. She must have been called into the studio," Shaylynn tells him.
"Thank you, Shaylynn!" Severide tells her.
"Listen, we have a problem!" she says.
"As if I need any more problems! What's up?" Severide asks.
"Mark Hunter had a twin brother," she tells him.
"Had?" Severide questions, "As in past tense?"
Shaylynn wondered when it would click.
"Don't tell me he was the one they found in Mark's apartment?" he asks.
"Sorry Kelly. It's true, I saw it on the news," Shaylynn tells him.
"Fuck!" Severide shouts into the phone, "I'm getting a flight straight there!"
"Want me to get a message to Geoff and arrange the jet?" Shaylyn asks.
"Please," Severide says, "Thanks, Shaylynn!"
"Keep me posted!" she tells him.
"I will!" Severide tells her and hangs up.
"Are you happy?" Halstead asks her.
"Very happy! Kelly is going to be on his way to New York," she says as she sends a message to Geoff.
"The boy's appointment is today," Halstead reminds her.
"I know," she says looking at the time, "And it's in thirty minutes! I better get them and Jenna and head out."
"Do you know where Jacquelyn is?" Halstead asks her.
"She's in the playroom with Jill," Shaylynn says, "In case I'm not back in time before you leave for work," she says walking over to him and gives him a kiss.

Snipers Of Chicago Season 3 (Chicago PD / Jay Halstead)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin