Chapter 21 "SCOTLAND!"

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After the driver for the taxi helped Severide put the bags in the bag, Severide and the driver got in and the taxi pulled away.
After a few minutes of driving, Beth tells the driver to stop and take them back to the airport.
"What's wrong?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Kelly and I need to go to Rachel, she's not good. The poor girl is only twenty and she's in the house all by herself. You two need a night on your own. It is your wedding night after all!" Beth tells them smiling.
"Sounds good to me! Bye!" Halstead says grinning at Severide and Beth.
"I was looking forward to staying in a castle!" Severide tells Beth.
"We can go after the funeral!" Beth tells him.
"Okay," Severide says like a happy toddler.
"Well keep me up to date with everything," Shaylynn tells Beth as she and Severide get out of the taxi.
"I will," Beth tells her as Severide gets their bags back out.
Once Beth and Severide were taken care of, the taxi driver gets back in and drives off.


After getting Shaylynn and Halstead's bags out of the back, the taxi driver drives away.
"I can't believe we're staying in a castle!" Halstead says as Shaylynn walks up behind him putting her arms around one of his.
"You are my King!" she tells him.
Halstead smiles as he turns and looks at her, "And you are my Queen!"
Shaylynn smiles at him as he bends some to kiss her.
After about a minute, they decide to finally go inside.
Walking inside, Halstead leaves the bags by the door as Shaylynn takes him on a tour.

They finish the tour in the bedroom where they make love for hours.
Shaylynn has her head laying on Halstead's chest, his arm wrapped around her when her phone rings.
Answering it, it's Beth to tell her that they're going to the Fork In A Field for drinks.


An hour later, Shaylynn and Halstead are walking in to see Beth, Severide, Rachel, and Freya, Beth's Mom, sitting at a table.
Shaylynn and Halstead join them. Once they sit down, Shaylynn starts to look around. She looks at Beth and they both try not to laugh.
"What's so funny?" Halstead asks them.
"We used to call this place a fuck in a field," Shaylynn tells him with Freya giving her a disapproving look, "Sorry! And Beth puked up in here!"
"Not in here I never. It was in the restroom!" Beth reminds her.
"Purple sick! In the sink! What did I call you again? Princess Beth with her purple sick!" Shaylynn says laughing as Rachel joined in.
Freya looks at her, "Beth!" she says.
"I never said anything! It was my eighteenth birthday and I was drinking Pernod and blackcurrant. I never drank it since!" Beth tells her Mom as Severide starts laughing, "All of this purple sick was coming out of my nose!"
Severide looks at Beth, "You are vile!" he says smiling.
"It really stung!" Beth tells him as she starts to laugh.
Shaylynn watches as Beth looks at her phone. Beth laughs and starts looking around making Shaylynn wonder what she's up too.
Beth looks over toward the bar as does Shaylynn and Severide.
"Who's that?" Severide asks Beth.
"Simon, one of my oldest Facebook friends. We met when I came over here for my eighteenth," she tells him.
Shaylynn watches as Beth waves at Simon and looks around to make sure a certain someone else isn't around, "Come on over Simon!" Beth yells.
Looking back over to the bar, Shaylynn sees Simon and what she assumes is his wife walking with him over to the table.
"I can't believe you're here!" Simon says looking at Beth, she stands up and hugs him, "This is my wife Tracey," he tells her.
"Hi, nice to meet you at last!" Beth tells Tracey.
"You too!" Tracey says.
Everyone says hi to Simon and Tracey.
Being on edge, Shaylynn keeps looking around the pub with Beth noticing, "Who's going to the restroom with me?" Beth asks.
"Me!" Rachel speaks up,
"I'll go too," Shaylynn says standing up.
The three of them excuse themselves from the table and walk back to the restroom.

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