Chapter 7 "It's Pretty Bad"

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In the waiting area, Shaylynn's surrounded by the Intelligence Unit.
Sitting beside Hank, she has her head on his shoulder crying.
Looking up she sees Severide and Beth walking toward her.
Hank stands up as Beth hurries over to where they're sitting.
Sitting down by Shaylynn, Beth wraps her arms around her as Shaylynn continues to cry.
"Jay just took off! He wouldn't wait for me!" Shaylynn tells Beth as Severide sits down on the other side of Shaylynn.

Four hours have gone by.
The Intelligence Unit had to get back to the District leaving Severide and Beth with Shaylynn.
Walking to the waiting area, Dr. Rhodes sees Severide sitting in the middle of Shaylynn and Beth. Both of them have their heads on his shoulders sleeping.
Severide looks up from his phone to see Dr. Rhodes walking toward them with a very concerned look on his face.
His stomach drops as he watches Dr. Rhodes get closer, "Shaylynn, hey! You need to wake up," Severide tells her.
Shaylynn stirs around and opens her eyes. She looks at Severide who nods toward Dr. Rhodes.
Looking in that direction, she sees Dr. Rhodes and hurries to stand up to get over to him as Severide wakes Beth up.
"Well, how is he?" Shaylynn asks him.
"Jay's in the ICU," he tells her.
"Why is he in the ICU?" she asks.
"During surgery, his brain started to swell. All we could come up with is he must have hit his head possibly when he fell to the ground," Dr. Rhodes tells her, "Shaylynn, I'm not going to sugar coat it but he might never wake up."
Shaylynn starts crying, Severide and Beth hurrying to their feet. Severide grabs Shaylynn and puts his arms around her as she cries on his chest.
Beth looks at Dr. Rhodes with a questioning look as she puts a hand on Shaylynn's back, "What did you tell her?" she asks.
"Jay's brain started to swell during surgery. I told her he must have hit his head at some time. Possibly when he fell to the ground. He's now in the ICU, he might not ever wake up," Dr. Rhodes tells her and Severide.
Beth and Severide look at each other, "I want to see him," they hear Shaylynn mumble against Severide's chest.
"Shaylynn, I don't know, you've never seen Jay like this," Dr. Rhodes tells her.
Shaylynn pulls away from Severide and looks at Dr. Rhodes, "I've seen all my guys with tubes and wires coming out of them," she tells him.
"This is different, Jay's your husband," he says.
Severide walks over and stands behind her, "If she wants to see her husband, take her to him!" he tells Dr. Rhodes.
Dr. Rhodes nods to Severide, "Let's go," he says to Shaylynn.
Shaylynn turns around to look at Beth and Severide, "Thank you so much for coming!" she says hugging both of them.
"You don't need to thank us! Of course, we would be here!" Beth tells her.
"If you need anything, call!" Severide tells Shaylynn.
"I will," Shaylynn tells him then looks back at Dr. Rhodes, "I better go."
Walking over to him, they start walking away toward the ICU.
Beth moves closer to Severide, he puts his arms around her, "Do you think Jay's going to be alright?" Beth asks him.
"I don't know. By what Dr. Rhodes said it's pretty bad," he says.
"She's already lost one husband to an accident, she can't lose another one," Beth tells Severide.
She lays her head against Severide's chest, listening to his heartbeat, thinking about what she would do if something happened to him.

Walking into the ICU, Dr. Rhodes leads Shaylynn over to where Halstead is.
She stands and just stares at him, "I'll leave you alone," Dr. Rhodes tells her and walks away.
Shaylynn just stands there unable to move. The strong man that she knows is laying in a bed hooked up to tubes and wires that lead back to numerous machines.
As she looks at him, she feels hands on her shoulders. She looks over a shoulder to see Dr. Halstead standing there.
"I'm here," he tells her, "You don't have to do this alone."
Shaylynn starts walking in with Dr. Halstead behind her, he puts an arm around her shoulders and feels that she's shaking, "That son of a bitch is lucky Jay took him out! If he didn't I would hunt him down, shove my gun up his ass and pull the trigger!" she tells him.
Dr. Halstead looks over at her taken back by what she said, "He's a fighter! He'll pull through this," he tells her, "I know he's fighting his way back to you and the kids."
Shaylynn starts crying, Dr. Halstead pulls her to him and wraps his other arm around her.
"My sons are in the hospital and now my husband," she says looking over at Halstead.
"And soon he'll be going home," Dr. Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn shakes her head and pulls away, "How can you be so certain? Because you're a doctor?" she asks him, "I've seen massive injuries and the person pulls through. Then I've seen someone with a simple bullet wound die within twenty-four hours."
"You have to have faith," Dr. Halstead tells her.
"You'll have to excuse me if I don't have any right now! With what happened with my boys and now my husband, I'm all out!" she tells him then walks over to Halstead's bedside, "If you don't mind I'd like to be alone with my husband," she says looking at Dr. Halstead.
He nods at her and walks out.
After Dr. Halstead is gone, Shaylynn leans down and kisses Halstead on the forehead.
She sits down on a chair beside his bed, takes a hold of his hand, and lays her head down on his arm.

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