Chapter 15 "Bubba's Bitch"

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Shaylynn looks at Beth who is physically shaken.
"Babe?" Severide says as he looks at Beth.
"I'm good!" she says crying.
"How do you know all of this?" Severide asks Meg.
"I just hear voices. Sometimes it brings comfort, other times it's a burden," Meg tells him.
"What about the Indians? I don't need any Pow-Wows going on in the backyard," Shaylynn says.
"There are no Indian spirits in your house, Shaylynn. The remains were removed from the land and the souls have passed on," Meg tells her.
"Thank God for that!" Halstead says.
"Is Shay still here?" Severide asks.
"Yes, but she's not saying anything. Beth I would also like to tell you to be careful around water," Meg says looking at her.
"Water? What do you mean?" Beth asks.
"That's all I have I'm afraid," Meg tells her.
Meg leaves a half an hour later.
"That was creepy as fuck! How did she know all of that?" Halstead wonders.
"Who the fuck knows! I feel better now though!" Shaylynn tells him as she looks across the table to where Severide and Beth are sitting, "Are you two alright?" she asks them.
"I think so," Severide says, "I'm sorry for thinking you and Beth were behind what Meg said about Shay."
"We wouldn't cook up something like this! We know how much you loved Shay!" Shaylynn tells him.
Halstead stands up and walks over to the bar, "You want a shot of something, Kelly?" he asks.
"Yeah, I need it! I'll take anything!" Severide says as he stands up, he kisses Beth and walks over to the bar to talk to Halstead.
Shaylynn looks at Beth, "Even your Dad said to ignore Mark!" she says.
"Well, what about Marshall saying the same thing about Austin!" Beth reminds her.
Shaylynn started to get upset, "Sorry," Beth says.
They both hugged each other.
"At least the house doesn't need to be blessed now," Beth tells her.
"True!" Shaylynn says.
"Shaylynn, you want a drink?" Halstead asks her.
"Yeah, give me a scotch!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Beth?" Halstead asks.
"I'll have the same," Beth tells him until Severide clears his throat, "Just a Pepsi," she says.
Beth stood up and walked over to Severide, both of them putting their arms around each other.
"Are you okay?" Beth asks him.
"Yeah," Severide says smiling has Halstead hands Severide his drink and then gave Beth a can of Pepsi.
Halstead walks out from behind the bar over to where Shaylynn's sitting.
He hands her, her drink then sits down beside her, putting his arm around her shoulders, Shaylynn laying her head on his shoulder.
Halstead turns his head and kisses her on top of the head. He then sees that she's smiling and looks to see what she's smiling at which happens to be Severide and Beth kissing passionately.
They back away from each, Shaylynn sees Severide smiling at Beth.
Halstead pulls Shaylynn closer to him, "Wow, that was like something out of a movie!" he says to her.
"Yeah, you've gotta love a Beth and Kelly kiss!" she says to him sitting up looking at him.
Halstead smiles at her, "Hope you love Jay and Shaylynn kisses also?"
"Of course!" Shaylynn tells him smiling as he moves in for a kiss.
"Hey, you two! There's plenty of spare rooms upstairs!" Halstead tells Severide and Beth.
Severide laughs, "Thanks for the offer but we need to be going soon. She wants to get up early and go for a new car!"
"Another one?" Halstead asks.
"My last one ended up in a show window remember?" Beth explains.
"My apologies!" he says laughing, "Didn't you buy a Toyota?" he asks.
"I still need another one!" Beth tells him laughing.
"What are you going for?" Shaylynn asks.
"Well it won't be one at nineteen million dollars that's for sure!" Severide says.
"Excuse me?! I'll buy anything I want!" Beth tells him.
"Is that right?" Severide questions.
"Yeah!" Beth says.
"I'll put you over my knee!" Severide tells her.
"I was hoping you would!" Beth says smiling at him.
Severide smiles then kisses her.
"Right you two! That's enough!" Halstead tells them.
"Our daughter better not be in our bed tonight, Jay!" Shaylynn tells him.
"Oh, she won't be, don't you worry! It was like sleeping with a starfish!" Halstead says.
Severide starts laughing then downs his drink, sitting the glass down, "Right, we're going!" he says.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Shaylynn tells them.
Severide and Beth both give her a look, "We will! There's a couch in the snug with our name on it!" Beth tells her.
"I'd forgotten about the snug!" Severide says.
After Beth and Severide leave, everyone in the Halstead household gets ready for bed.
With all the talk Halstead did earlier, Jacquelyn again sleeps in his and Shaylynn's bed.
Even though Jacquelyn's in bed with them, Shaylynn sleeps soundly that night.

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