
As she flew through the air, she quickly preformed five specific hand signs and and landed on the ground in a crouch, with her hand pressed into the hard cement.

There was a loud poofing sound, and then a flap of wings was heard.

"Sakura Haruno! You get back here this instant!"

Nico and Sakura blanched as the people that were milling around stopped to stare at them.

"You jumped out of a window again, didn't you," the eagle summon stated. The pinkette let out a nervous laugh, giving him his answer.

"Eto... Oops?"

Nico sighed. "Well then, we better go before that crazy lady catches us," he said, and then landed onto her outstretched arm. "Where to, partner?"

The pinkette took a moment to think as she began to quickly walk away, making sure to keep her senses spread all the way around her. She didn't want to run into anyone again. Or anything.

That tree really did hurt.

"Several places actually. First, I need to go to some shops to get some sort of arm protectors because of your sharp talons and a few other things, and I definitely need to stop at the library," she mused aloud.

Her arms were actually quite sore from hauling around Nico yesterday, but it was a pleasant type of pain. Her muscles burned with the satisfaction that they were actually doing work for once, and she was looking forward to making them stronger. Which meant.. no more unconventional dieting. She supposed she needed to actually eat so her muscles wouldn't become starved.

"So that's why you felt so light when I carried you," Nico commented, making the pinkette roll her eyes from under her bandage. Oh, that reminded her.

"I'll also need something better to cover my eyes. I've found that this material falls off to easily," she said, counting another thing she needed off on her fingers of her free hand.

Nico tilted his head, puzzled. "Why do you feel the need to cover your eyes?"

That was a good question. If wasn't like she needed to but..

"There's this sense of security, like a kid with a blanket or stuffed animals. Without it, my eyes are wide open for people to see, and I guess it feels like come sort of odd sheild in a way? I dunno, it's kinda hard to explain."

Her foot scuffed the ground as she walked, embarrassed that she had just blabbed something like that.

"I used to keep my mom's feather with me for the longest time after she died. I'm guessing that's natural," Nico said in an understanding voice. He then let out a soft cooing sound that made Sakura smile. She felt much better now.

After a few minutes of walking, the two arrived at a well known shinobi apparel shop, and the girl hesitantly entered. She had never been here before, so she didn't know the layout of it and was afraid of knocking something down.

"Just follow my directions and I'll guide you to the lady that's behind the counter in the back, alright?" Nico instructed, gazing around.

The pinkette nodded, and within a few minutes she made it safely with the help of her summon.

"E-excuse me," she stammered out, not sure if her head was facing the right direction.

The woman at the counter was older, most likely in her late sixties, but she seemed to have aged well. Silver hair fell in waves to her back, and her blue eyes gleamed in the natural light coming through the large front windows.

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