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"You can't make me stay here forever!" Sakura complained, crossing her arms over her practically non-existent chest and turning away from her mom in indignation.

Mebuki sighed. "You know I only want what's best for you. And you already got lots of scrapes and cuts on you from just attempting to walk around yesterday. Shin also said you've also shown impulsive tendencies," she pointed out, talking about how the pinkette had carelessly jumped out the window.

"But I asked what floor we were on.."

The frazzled and worried mother continued on as if the pinkette hadn't spoken. "Not to mention you scared the daylights out of quite a few people when you decided to try to jump out of the top floor of the Hokage Tower. What were you thinking!?"

Holding in a groan, Sakura rested her face in the palms of her hands. Ever since she had returned last night, her mom has been hovering protectively over her and not allowing her to do anything. Don't get her wrong, she appreciated it, but sometimes it was just way too much.

  Plus, she was feeling even more snappy due to the fact that yes, she was blind, and things haven't been easy. Moving around and always running into things, forgetting where she put her stuff and having to get someone to help her find it, and even doing simple things such as getting her own food has developed into tedious tasks.

"Mother, "she started sharply, raising her head and getting said womans attention. "I have exactly one week to show the Hokage that I can be of use, that I can become a kunoichi, even without my sight. I understand you're worried, but I really need to do this."

Mebuki frowned, looking at her only child. "But why would you want to?"

The question hung in the air, and Sakura's eyes widened. Why would she want to prove to the Hokage that she could actually become a shinobi? Was she serious!?

Her mom spoke again, her voice confused. "Why would you want to continue to do something that took your sight? Being a kunoichi is hard work. Do you really have it in you to do this considering you've already become blind?"

Ouch. That hurt. That really hurt.

Now it wasn't just her kage, teammates, and sensei that doubted her, it was her own mother as well. And for all she knew, her father felt the same way. Of course, she didn't know his opinion on this because he was forced to stay back in the village her parents were in before this all happened, while only Mebuki was able to come. He would be home within a few days though.

The door suddenly opened, and Mebuki remained oblivious to her daughters feelings as someone came in with a clipboard in their hands. Sakura instantly recognized Shin's chakra.

"I have good news and bad news, Haruno-san and Sakura-san. I'll give you that bad news first," the male nurse started. "The bad news, is that you will have slight scarring on your skin, especially around your eyes and you will have to come back here every once in awhile for checkups to make sure you don't have any skin problems. Burns or any type of skin spots that are exposed for the sun too long can develop into cancer. But fortunately, that is all. The good news, is that you can be released whenever you want to, Sakura, as long as you have your mother's permission of course."

The pinkette quickly whipped her head to Mebuki's direction, silently daring her to refuse. Thankfully, she didn't.

"I suppose I can bring her back home if you say she's fine," Mebuki decided warily, glancing from smiling Shin to the suddenly grinning Sakura.

The pinkette quickly jumped off her bed, have her mom an obligatory hug, thanked Shin, and unexpectedly-definitely expected considering yesterday's events-jumped out of the hospital window.

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