Chapter Seven

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It was too close, much to close

Why did he hurt so much...

He fought to remember, but his skull felt as if was on fire.

"Please be okay, please.. please be okay," came a panicked voice.

It sounded familiar.

"Mom," came a different worried voice.

Now that one Dream knew, his sweet innocent Palette.

Something cool was placed onto his skull, and he felt himself fading into unconsciousness.


It could have been minutes, hours or even days before he found himself being pulled back to consciousness.

He still hurt, but now he at least seemed to be on something soft.

His skull still felt as if it was on fire, and he could feel the rest of his body hurt also just not burning sensations.

"He's starting to wake up again," Palette said to the unknown.

"We need to get more water in him," the other voice said, he felt his head tilted and water carefully placed and swallowed.

So pretty much he could feel everything but could even move an inch.

As he started falling asleep again he finally started to remember.


Dream blasted backwards as the ground between the three of them exploded, by purple lightning.

Since when was lightning purple?

"Is everyone okay?" Dream asked, shaking his head as hearing came back.

"Yeah, bit stunned," Palette said getting up.

"Oh no... not this..." the child skeleton said.

"What's wrong Goth?" Palette asked.

"Look at the sky," Goth said voice tense, pointing up.

Dream did and gasped, that was no storm.

The sky was black, pitch black, as if all light had been snuffed from it. arc's of purple lightning went across it, and when it went down.

Was just gone.

The best way he could describe it was deleted.

"What.. what is that?" Palette asked looking at the abomination of a sky.

"That... is a universal Retcon," Goth whispered.

//end flashback//

"These cookies are awesome," Palette chirped.

"Error is addicted to them," the other voice said, yes.. this was Goth.

"I'll have to take some home with us when we leave," Palette said happily.

"Just remember not to leave the house, I can only shield you from the anti void inside," Goth said.

'Why are we in the antivoid?'

Unconsciousness claimed him again.


"A what.. and why haven't we heard of it before!" Dream asked, wincing as a whole building vanished in a flash of purple lightning.

"Pretty much, that thing deletes.. erases.. etc everything in a timeline. No one remembers the world taken as it literally removed everything about that timeline from memory. Once the timelines gone, people will notice it gone but won't remember the timeline.. all those timelines gone.. that's not Error's work," Goth said angrily.

"Goth, if it Retcons them.. why do you know so much?" Palette asked.

"That thing, doesn't just take timelines... it can hit an individual person in all timelines at once.. and there just gone. Bye bye person, they never existed and since there gone in every timeline no one will even notice," Goth said bitterly.

"If you didn't figure it out, I'm one of those people Retconned out of existience. Only I survived, bits and scraps of all the me's... if i had a timeline I'd be called Retconned Goth," Goth said tears slipping down his face.

//end flashback//

This time Dream work up for real, he winced a bit at how much everything hurt. Looking around he saw Palette asleep on a pile of pillows. Goth, was nowhere in sight.

Of course, now having thought of the small child skeleton of course he walked into the room a bowl of soup in his hands.

"Ah, good your awake," the young skeleton monster said seeing him awake.

"Where are we?" he asked, as Goth put the soup on the side table, then helped him sit up.

"Officially were in the anti void, were in a shielded area that my house. If you go outside be aware i can't shield you there from the anti-voids anti effects," Goth said seriously.

"How did we get here, I remember to where you told us about.. well the Retcons," Dream asked, and had to force himself not to gulp teh soup like crazy because it spelled insanely good.

"You tried to save the people of that timeline, but as soon as the Retcon started it was too late. I'm afraid if you had an alternate in that timeline there gone," Goth said, Dream was silent for a moment.

"I'm guessing, only reason i remember that world because I was in it when it began?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm also.. well don't be surprised if you don't remember much of that moment between that conversation and waking. I almost wasn't able to pull us out in time. I'd say loosing a few minutes of time is better then non existence," Goth said softly.

Moments later Goth whisked away with an empty bowl, while Dream tried ot go around the fact he;d almost been retconned.


Goth got to the kitchen before he finally allowed his hands to shake, placing the bowl and spoon to be washed he climbed under the table and hugged himself.

Soft sobs came from his shuddering form, tears slipped down his face.

It had been close, too close.

A few more minutes and he wouldn't have been able to save Mr Dream, there would have been more then a few moments lost to memory.

He could have been lost to that Retcon, the last vestiges of himself and his timelines gone.

And this time, even Error and the others would have probably forgotten him.

He sniffed and wiped away his magic tinged tears, he had to hold himself together.

At least...

Till his guests were gone.

But still, it had been too close to comfort that retcon.

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