Chapter Six

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Before the Storm...

Goth woke with a twitch and glared out his window into the antivoid, did his day really have to start this way.

He could hear Inks rant on creativity and saving as many multiverses as he can, verses Error's usual rant of abominations must be destroyed.

Grumbling with a few choice rude words he closed the curtains, pulled out a pair of headphones and went back to sleep with the sound of the ocean in his ears.

Sooo did not want to deal with this.


Black.. black.. and oh look more black.

The save space could be very boring when Geno was alone.

He was lonely, as death and his children rarely were able to come here and he could rarely leave without Reaper placing insane wards that only lasted five hours at a time.

With a sigh he stared at the screen, one of his few 'windows' outside of this place.

His mind wandered back to there last confrontation with Error,

Well, more to the kid that rescued and released the Error Sans.

A little bitty bones of maybe tens years old, one that could looked so much like his husband and himself it hurt.

Why did it hurt?


Goth stared... how the heck....

Somehow during the battle there was a wild shot and it hits Goths house. The explosion hitting his room just missing him by a few meters. Goth coughed and wiped soot off his cloth, a bit of magic cleaned the worst part of it off and he dressed n his new clothing from Cross and Chara.

"You blew up my house," the eternal child growled.

"I'm sure we can fix this," Ink said waiving his paintbrush.

"Its not like it hit you," Error said.

Goth smiled, and not a nice one. His form shifted showing a black cloak and red hood, a form known as Fell Goth.

"Run," Fell Goth grinned.

The duo fled with the dark version of Goth at there heels.

Error should really know better, specially after he blew up the house by accident while trying to bake cookies.

Rule #1 of the Anti-void: Don't Damage Goth's house or face his wrath.


"Why are we hiding?" Ink asked, actually why were they even hiding together.

"Do you really want to face that?" Error asked, peeking out to where fell Goth was searching for them.

"Not really," Ink said after a moment "Cool Transformation power though, wonder what AU he's from?" Ink said to himself.

"There you are!" an enraged voice said.

The two Jumped worlds again.


Goth pouted and adjusted his lantern, he was not back to his 'normal form' after losing track of the two outer Sans. He sighed as he cooled down, he was still pissed. Error was so banned from cookies for a month.


Palette had been wondering around spreading inspiration, bring happiness. It was nice to help his parents, but the young adult monster really wanted to do something other then this.. his own niche it what was pretty much the families business.

He adjusted his hat in a bit of frustration, he just couldn't figure out what could be just for him.

The colour white caught his attention, turning he gasped.

They were adorable.

He leapt forward and did what could only be described as a Glomp.

"Your so cute! Lets be friends!" Palette said happily.

Goth meanwhile wanted the world to stop spinning.

"Okay..." Goth said as the world spun.


"No, just no guys," Papyrus said as Blueberry giggled, after who wouldn't after finding the usually fighting duo hiding in a closet in fear.

"You really need to stop damaging his house Error," Blueberry teased.


Goth... didn't know how to react to an older Palette, one who had grown up with him in any timeline. If one was technical the two of them were outer code Sans, as while Sans were there parents there was not enough dimensional/magical DNA to create anything but another Sans. Things such as that helped them bond better growing up, well as much as Goth had grown.. aka nil. The two could be considered dimension analogues of each other, a Sans.

Thank goodness there magical 'DNA' were different enough that they were 'born' different, there defaults sliding away from canon.

He sighed, he really had to stop reading those weird books Killer Sans kept accidentally leaving in the void.

And how had his thoughts come to this anyway?

He rubbed the back of his hooded skull, watching Palette buy ice cream for the pair of them.

A soft smile spread briefly across his face, and for a moment he could make himself feel as if this was back when he wasn't retconned from the multiverse other then scraps of himself.

It was so good, yet it also hurt so much. Knowing that those memories were only now in his skull.

To Palette this was there first meeting, there was no childhood friend who was always 'friend zoned.'

"Hey, are you okay?" Palette asked him, a worried look on his face his hands holding there cones.

"Ah... sorry, I'm fine Palette," Goth said taking his cone, as they sat there eating ice cream he pushed away the anger and hurt...

He would have to treasure new memories instead.


The sky sure went stormy quick.


Dream smiled as he walked through the city, his day was done and he was hoping to meet with his son who he knew was in the city.

He frowned a bit at the sky which was showing that it would soon be a rather large storm at least, he'd have to hurry.

Ah, and there was his sweet rather naive son Palette who seemed to be talking to someone he couldn't seem to see at this angle.

"I see you made a new friend Palette, are you ready to head off?" Dream asked, after all it had been weeks since they'd had family time.

"In a few minutes mom," Palette said happily, turning to his new friend.

The friend though was familiar, looking like the kid that saved Error but missing weapons and clothing fully different and the rather distinctive lantern. Had to be an AU of the kid.

"I had a great time Palette, I hope we can meet up again," the unknown skeleton said, jumping off the bench and tossing the remains of an ice cream in the trash.

"You too Goth," Palette chirped.

Of course, at that moment the world exploded.

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