Chapter 44: The Third Storm

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I sit alone at an upstairs window, watching the streaks of lightning shoot through the air and shimmer off each droplet of water on their way to the ground, and allowing my hand to move up and down across the Great Book's cover, my fingers occasionally ruffling the golden pages.

Everyone else is still downstairs eating, but I've come up here for some quiet. I need time to think things over; to search for an inkling of the closure that I've been robbed of. I didn't even have time to register what was happening. Not really. Now I'm just sitting here, not even able to cry.

I want to be strong, but I feel so weak. I want to be happy, but I feel nothing but pain. I want Connor next to me, but I know I'll never have that again.

And as I sit watching the sky in this dark room, I remember that night in the cave when Cat and I stood and watched the storm. And then again when we stopped at that house in Old Town and talked by the window. About friendship and love. I'm thinking about those same things now, except I'm alone this time. That hope is all gone. Friends will only leave. They can't stay forever. People change and people move on and people...

Love doesn't exist. Not for me.

I open the Great Book. "Are you there....?" I breathe.

A figure sits next to me: a young girl in a dark blue dress tied about the waist with a gold bow. She wears a strand of jewels about her neck, and her hair is held back with a gold ribbon.

"I'm here," the girl answers.

"'re not..."

"A man? I don't have only one form, Kye," the girl smiles lightly. She melts away and forms a blue cat with gold eyes and a bejeweled collar.

"Please go back to being human," I say, a bit too sadly.

The cat becomes a girl again.

"What's wrong?"

"I...I lost two friends getting this Book...getting you..."

"Yes, I know," the girl sighs. "The cave requires some offering. Almost always blood. Such immeasurable power must always come with sacrifice."

"Can you not say it like that?" I grimace.

"Say what?"

"All that stuff. Don't say it like it's nothing."

"I apologize."

"I had a question," I begin, "that I didn't want anyone else to hear."

"What's that?" she cocks her head.

"Is—is there any way to.... Can this Book...bring people back to life?" I try not to let too much hope come through.

"Oh..." The girl places her hand on top of mine and looks sweetly into my face. "No. I'm afraid not."

I hang my head. "That's okay. I didn't think—"

"Not just the one."

"What do you mean?" I look at her.

"Well, of course, with the combined power of the two Books, it's possible. But a person with that kind of power would be unstoppable. Which is why the two Books have been safeguarded and separated throughout time."

"Right..." I ponder her words.

"Listen," the girl says, softly but seriously. "Everyone loses people in life. It's's almost always very hard. But the memories you make with those people...those are the things that never fade. They'll always be there for you to relive them, cry over them, laugh over them. People never truly leave; you lose the person, not the impact." She pauses. "You still have all of the memories you made with Connor."

"I wanted to make more," I whisper.

"Then make more with the people you still have—"

"Hey, Kye."

I whip around in the direction of the voice. Paxton and Amber stand in the doorway, holding hands. I look back at the girl, but she's gone.

"Hey," I reply.

Amber leans in and whispers something to Paxton, who nods and leaves the room. She walks over and sits down next to me; together, we gaze out in silence.



I just kind of sit with Kye for a while. I don't know if he even wants me crashing his space right now. I noticed him slip away a while ago, but I figured I'd give him time.

I watch the sky with him, wondering if he'll say something first.

He doesn't.

"You know what my mom used to say?" I finally break the silence, keeping my eyes on the outside world. "She would say that friends are like lightning bolts. Your world could be the darkest, deepest black, but then that one friend comes out of nowhere and lights up your whole life. Your world, for that time, is bright and beautiful, and that lightning bolt breaks off into branches and spreads out into every place it can. And then, just like that, it's gone. And suddenly, your world goes dark again." I pause. I can feel him looking at me. "But even after the lightning, you get a peal of thunder. Even though you can't see their light, it's as if that friend is reminding you that they love you, still shaking your world long after they're gone."

Thunder rumbles in the distance. Kye's attention returns to the window.

"And what happens after the thunder stops?" he quietly pushes out.

"You wait for the next lightning bolt."

Flash. A roll of thunder.

"You keep going."


"You enjoy the lightning for as long as it lasts. You look forward to the lightning ahead of you."


"And you let the thunder beat with your heart into eternity."

We look at each other. I allow a soft smile to curl onto my lips. His eyes are wet, and they shine brighter with every lightning bolt.

"Look," I continue. "I know things are tough now. But you have to enjoy the thunder. Don't miss what is because you're so focused on what was. I know you're scared, but that tattoo on your arm in the means nothing, Kye. You're a hero." He looks away. "And we're all here for you, if you'll let us be."

Kye nods and then says, "Of course," like he's obligated to say something in this moment.

"Good." I sigh. "You know, Paxton told me downstairs how much of an impact you've made on him. How he's only pushing through after losing Andy because of me and because of you." He looks up, confusion on his face. I nod. "You're quite the lightning bolt, Kye. To more people than you think."

He smiles weakly and nods.

I lean forward and pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around me in turn and we hold each other tightly. "Don't give up," I whisper over his shoulder. "We all want you here."

We draw apart and I stand up.

"I'm going to go now, because my back is killing me." I stretch out. "I don't know how you sit like that for so long."

Kye lets out a small laugh.

I head for the door. "We'd love to have you back downstairs when you're ready. I saved some dessert for you."

I just reach the door when Kye's voice stops me:

"Hey, Amber?"

I turn around. "Yes?"

He looks into my eyes and smiles. "Thank you."

I nod in return and leave the room.

He doesn't have to thank me; it's what friends do.

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