Chapter 33: Loyalty

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He stands erect, gazing at a wall filled with screens, surveying the different areas that belong to him. His hands are folded behind his back and his bright but tired eyes are slightly narrowed as he watches calmly, thinking. He wears his usual dark suit, as crisp and clean as the images he's attending to. His black tie perfectly straight, his shirt buttoned neatly, not a crease to be found.

From his outward appearance, you'd never guess at the whirlwind days he's just experienced. He's lost sleep, foregone meals, and pushed his brain to the breaking point, all over a rag-tag group of teens who are, as he puts it, "out to ruin everything he loves and worked for".

Killoran has made me his top confidant; only I know the true extent of his anguish these past days. The rest of the staff is forbidden to know, per Killoran's orders. It's all about image right now, and Killoran's is slowly being chipped away.

We've been standing in silence for nearly an hour, me hugging a clipboard to my chest and trying not to fidget. I wonder if he's forgotten that I'm here; he's so focused on the cameras.

The door to the room bursts open and a boy flings himself through. He staggers a bit on his feet and then regains balance. I recognize him as Julian, one of Killoran's Top Tier. Killoran barely notices. Julian stands panting for a moment before speaking.

"Alvah! Uh...sir." He bows slightly. A piece of paper is scrunched up in his fist. "A group of teens," he continues, "including the ones who escaped from Facility One recently—"

"What about them?" Killoran says smoothly.

"They've infiltrated Provision Line One. We received a distress call from the loading station outside the wall."

I imagine that I can see Killoran's fists clench slightly behind his back.


"One of ours was killed, sir. Another severely injured. The girl used a shotgun."

Killoran pulls his hand over his mouth and chin. "Who is the girl?"

"The same who helped the two boys escape from Facility One," Julian answers.

"Her name?"

"Uh..." Julian unfolds the paper in his hand, skimming with his eyes. "Catherine Alridge."

My breath hitches in my throat and an involuntary noise escapes. Killoran turns to look at me and I play it off like a cough.

"What are the names of the others?"

"Kye Marek and Connor Novak, the two who escaped. Paxton and Anthonix Osswald, brothers. Amber Hunnam, unknown."

"Unknown?" Killoran turns to Julian.

"Yes, sir. We couldn't find any viable information on her."

Killoran rubs his chin. "Hunnam. Why do I feel like I know that name?"

The walkie-talkie on my belt makes a squealing noise but no words come through. I switch it off.

"Where are they now?" Killoran asks Julian.

"On the train. Headed here."

Killoran thinks for a moment. "Make no attempts to detain the children. I want the station to be empty when the train arrives. Begin clearing it now."

"Yes, sir."

"That'll be all, Julian."

"Yes, sir."

Julian turns to go when Killoran calls out again, stopping him.

Killoran turns away from the screens and walks to him. He cups Julian's face in his hands and speaks slowly, seriously.

"You are doing a fantastic job, Julian. I am proud to have you on the team. Don't let the stress get to you."

Julian smiles his thanks.

"Go do what must be done," Killoran says with a smile and claps Julian on the back. "Pariozoi."

Julian heads out the door. Killoran watches him go.

"That boy won't last here much longer," he says, turning back to the screens once the door closes.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"It's getting to him; I can see it in his eyes. And his actions. He'll be gone soon."

He studies the cameras before saying:

"What do you make of this?"

I hadn't really prepared to give my input. I stutter for a moment before answering.

"I's an unfortunate situation. But nothing we can't neutralize, sir."

Killoran narrows his eyes at me. "Yes...yes, I agree."

I'm not sure if he expects me to say more, so I remain silent. Seconds later, Killoran speaks again.

"It's good that I have you here to help me with all this, Brevyn. I admit that these past few days have been a setback for me. My brain has been occupied, deterring me from my true goal."

"What about the new drug, sir? Is it prepared?"

He heaves a sigh. "I had so hoped it would be ready. That girl, Amy...she passed away shortly after taking the drug, unfortunately. Some unknown side effect. The administering of the drug has been delayed; another huge setback."

"I'm sorry to hear that, sir."

Killoran slips his hands into his pockets and straightens himself, a curious look on his face.

"I've suddenly remembered where I've heard the name Hunnam before. That girl: Amber...her father was Holcroft Hunnam. He was one of the leaders of the people during the Great Insurrection. I have no idea where he is now; fled soon after we put it down."

"I had no idea, Alvah," I say, confused.

"He was a Korst. One of the greatest Korst to have lived, in my opinion. Incredibly smart man. It's too bad he chose the wrong side."

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir?"

"No, Brevyn. Thank you. I only pray that you remain loyal to me in this troubling time."

I swallow imperceptibly.

"I wouldn't dream of anything else."

He studies me for a moment.

Then: "Good."

He turns back to the wall of screens. "You will be rewarded when all of this is over," Killoran says. "When the Books are mine and we change this world for the better."

"Thank you, sir," I whisper.

"Loyalty, Brevyn. Loyalty..."


Update scheduled for: Monday; July 22, 2019.

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