Chapter 23: Walls

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I wake up early the next morning. Not that I slept much anyways. But today is my second full day in the cave, and as much as I can escape it, I will.

I'm surprised to discover that I'm the first one awake. Even Paxton is still heavily snoozing in the corner. Of course, given how much Red he downed the night before, he might not be up for a while.

I gently draw my blanket back and tiptoe to the stairwell in my new sneakers I borrowed from Andy, drawing my cloak over myself, despite the fact that it's unnecessary in the daytime.

As soon as I've made it halfway down, I bound the rest of the way down and soar from the cave, feeling the morning wind, tasting the salty air. I make it to the edge of the rock ledge and jump off, landing not so gracefully on the sand, feeling my knees bury themselves before I stand up, laughing.

I walk leisurely down the shore to where I had seen Paxton gathering wood the day before.


I feel ashamed of what happened between us. Although I know that I'm right about going back to the facility and that Paxton is just being stubborn, I also know that things shouldn't have gone the way they did.

We're supposed to be a team, and teammates don't act like that.

I make a promise to myself to forgive Paxton for hurting me and also to apologize to him for the fight. As far as I'm concerned, we're both in the wrong. For now, though, I don't have to worry about it.

I peel off my Holvnid and notice just how different the forest looks in the morning.

Not as scary as I thought.

The endless jumble of trees—and, no doubt, unknown creatures—is slightly unsettling, but it's nothing like the dense void of shadows and beasts I saw the first time I arrived here.

I pull my shirt over my head and hang it on a nearby branch. I kick my shoes into the sand and walk to the edge of the water, letting the waves lap at my toes. I walk deeper, to my waist, and then my chest, and then I just wade there, staring over at the far side. I dunk my whole body beneath the surface. The water is cool on my face, and as I come back up, I already feel cleaner, like the dirt and grime from the cave is dripping away with the water. I leave my soiled, blood-stained bandages on.

I dunk under one more time, and when I pop back up, there's a voice from the shore behind me.

"Well, well, well."

I whip around.


The tension leaves my shoulders. For a second, I thought it might be...

"Trying to steal my swimming time, eh?" Paxton says.

He looks haggard. His dark hair looks rough, his eyes sport deep bags, and his skin looks tight.

Too much Red.

"No! No...I—uh..."

"'Salright," Paxton slurs a bit. "You're not as skinny as I thought you were." Paxton cocks his head. "You actually look..."

I suddenly feel very conscious of the fact that I'm shirtless.

Paxton appears to be swaying a bit on his feet, dazed. His vest is mostly unbuttoned.

Is he still drunk? Does an apology still count if Paxton is intoxicated?

"Listen...Paxton," I start, crossing my arms over my chest and sinking a bit into the water. "I'm sorry about yesterday. The fight." I hold up one of my bandaged hands.

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