Part 5 - This Will Never Be Normal

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"I will drop Lucie a text anyway but she'll know it's all garbage" he added

"Ok" replied Millie, still feeling pretty tense about the whole situation. She questioned whether she was going to be able to handle being in a relationship like this. This was the first test of it and already she felt like she was cracking.
"I miss you" she added, her eyes welled up a little which surprised her, she wasn't an emotional person, she figured it was probably the result of the stress of work, lack of Ricco to sort all her problems out and provide cuddles on demand and the fact that she'd been striped of her privacy all came at once and had finally got the better of her. Hearing her man's voice was just the cherry on top to set off her emotions. Dex could hear the quiver in her voice

"Sweetie are you ok?" He asked, wishing he could hug her right now

"You know if I could come to you right now I would, don't you" he added

"Yeah" she replied, wiping the tears from her cheeks with her sleeve and feeling pretty silly for getting upset, even more so in front of Maisie. She'd tried to project a confident image to Maisie but she was pretty sure that was wasted effort now.

"Listen Mil, if I can fly to England for a few hours at the weekend I will, I don't know for sure yet though" he added.

"Ok " she said, feeling slightly better at the small chance of touching him in the flesh in a few days

"I have to go into sound check now baby but I will call you later, before I go on stage, around 6pm, is that good for you?" He asked

"Yeah, anytime is good for me" she replied

"Cool. I'll talk to you later... I love you Amelie" his voice turning serious it sent shivers down her spine, it was the first time he'd used her full name ever, he never did, he was a babe, baby, sweetie kinda guy, and he hadn't just casually called her Mil or even Millie, he said Amelie, she felt like that meant something, she wished she could be that serious back, but she wasn't brave enough.

"I love you too babes" she replied, pretending to not even notice.
And that was it, he was gone again.

The working day had really dragged; looking at the clock on her desk she couldn't believe it was only 2.36pm! it had started raining and her office had quickly come over dark and dreary once again and her motivation was at 0! Feeling uninspired she was wasting time doing nothing.

"Ok that's me done today" she said to Maisie.

"Soph will sort you out some stuff to do for the rest of the day" Said Millie, packing her stuff into her bag. There was no point being there when her head just wasn't in it. She was worried that being with Dex was going to cause her career to nosedive

"Ok" replied Maisie

"Oh Mil, have you got those sketches you said you'd show me on your phone? Can I send them to myself, I want to work on my sketches tonight" Said Maisie with a sweet smile.

"Yes, I'll send them to you. Put your number in my phone" Said Millie, handing Maisie her mobile

Millie packed up her files and shoved a pile of folders into her bag

"Finish sorting those files for me Mais and Soph will tell you what to do next" Said Millie

"I'll see you soon" she added as Maisie handed her back her phone and she walked out of the office.

She was so distracted; she'd worked so hard to get to where she was. After today she really needed to knuckle down, in reality Dex working away should have fit in perfectly with her career allowing her lots of time on her own to focus on work, it was just her mind preventing it, she needed to figure out how to switch it off.

Just Something about YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon