Chapter 4 - Full Moon

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The sun filled my room making me wake up, I looked over at Derek still asleep and I remembered last night.... his touch, kiss and body. Then I remembered the bite. I started to shake Derek to wake him up. "What" he said kinda loud.

"Sshh, are u trying to get us caught" I said putting my hand on his cheek. "Can u look at it" I asked rolling into my back.

There was blood on the cotton. Did this mean I didn't turn am I gonna die now I thought to myself. Derek slowly pulled back the cotton, I was only looking at the ceiling worried of what was under there. His lips touched were he bit me.

"Your gonna be like me" he said looking up at me with his red eyes smiling. I pulled him down on me and kissed him.

"Scott is down stairs" Derek said letting go and getting up.

"Derek my car" I said with a worried look.

"I went and got in last night before Scott got home, it's in the driveway" he said with a smile. I gave him a kiss as he gave me a small one back, both of us smiled.

Derek went out the window and was gonna walk in from the front door so Scott or my mom didn't see him coming down the stairs. When I got down stairs he was talking to my brother. They were talking about the full moon.

"Mia you have to stay in tonight, there is a full moon and I don't want you getting hurt" Scott said turned around facing me.

"Scott you don't have to worry about me I'm the older one remember, I should be worrying about u" I said turning to look at him and taking a sip of coffee. Derek was smiling at me.

"Please just stay in" Scott begged.

"Yes I will stay in just for u" I said and walked past him and checked Derek out as I walked past him.
Derek's POV:
"Why were u here all night" Scott asked.

Shit, he can't find out this early Mia will kill me if he finds out now. "I was here waiting for you and Peter called he needed me" I told him hoping he would believe me.

"Your car was here" he asked squinting his eyes.

"I went on foot it's way faster" I told him keeping my heart beat steady, I knew he was listening to it.

"Leave my sister alone, she isn't yours to take" he said with anger in his voice.

"Come on Scott really put ur claws away" Mia said coming down the stairs.

"If I really wanted Derek I would have him Scott" Mia said standing between me and Scott.

"You don't want him you want a normal guy that doesn't turn into a monster like us" Scott said, he did have a point.

"How am I suppose to have a normal guy when my brother turns into a werewolf and all of his friends have some supernatural connection, five minutes of having a normal guy and he would be running" Mia fired back and also had a point.

Scott started to walk up to Mia, I could hear her heartbeat start to get faster. "Maybe....." Mia grabbed onto Scott's arms and twisted them to both of his sides and pushed his across the room.

"You turned her" Scott yelled looking at me with his red eyes.

Mia was standing in front of me backing up as if she was protecting me. A beta with this much control is very rear Scott didn't even have this much control. He stood up with amazement looking at her.

"Are you controlling her" he asked looking at me then back at Mia.
Mia's POV:
"No scott, he's not controlling me" I said standing in front of Derek.

"How do you have so much control" he asked.
"I have been practicing concentration for a long time" I told him. "Focus is all about being a witch". My mom walked threw the door.

"Mia" she said dropping the groceries. Some how I turned back when the bags hit the floor

"Mom" I said turning towards her, she started to smile and ran to me with a very large hug. "There's something I got to show u" I said pulling away from her.

My eyes turn a worm yellow, she hugged me again. I could tell she wasn't happy, she wasn't with Scott ether. I went through two weeks of Scott calling and saying that mom still wasn't talking to him.

"Did this happen in Washington is that why u came back" my mom asked standing back from me. I wasn't sure if I should tell her the truth.

"Yes" about a month ago, I heard Derek sigh behind me. I could feel his emotions..... disappointment.

"Does your father know" she asked with worry in her eyes.

"No, he couldn't find out about me and if he knew about me he would know about Scott meaning he would be here with me" I told her.

"Ya no we can't have that, what's Derek doing here" she asked looking at him.

I turned around to look at him. "I had to see Scott about something, I was just leaving" he said but I stopped him when he went to leave.

"He was here for me" I told my mom who was taken back by my words.

"You and Derek?" She said pointing back and forth at both of us.

"Yes" I told her with a small smile hoping she wouldn't disapprove.

"Right" she said smiling and went and picked up the groceries then went to kitchen to put them away.

"I'm gonna help mom" Scott said and walked into the kitchen leaving just me and Scott.

"You didn't have to tell her" Derek said making me smile. I leaned in and kissed him, he kissed back as he did the lamp next to us flickered. We both looked at it and smiled.

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