You're Safe...

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Kei lay on the bed between Kou and Kaito. He couldn't decide which of the two he wanted to look at. His eyes moved from one to the other.
He felt safe and confused at the same time.
Kou's hands, which lay on his ass, felt warm and familiar. He looked at both of them again.
How could they have fallen asleep so easily? Kei thought to himself.

The wound he had sustained had been treated and covered with a bandage. Fortunately he was fine on his other side without feeling too much.
He crawled closer to Kai and rested his head on his chest.
The smell of Kai's shirt gave Kei a safe feeling. For a moment he looked at Kai with a happy smile. Before he laid himself against him and finally fell asleep.
Kai moaned in his sleep and put an arm over Kei.

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