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Kou went to the forest where he had seen Kei go there to since the last time.
Kaito followed him closely. They were looking for clues to where Kei could currently be. When they saw a trail of destruction, Kou knew for sure that Kei had passed trough there. He remembered Kei used to react that way so many times as he was frustrated.

"He can't be far from here." said Kou, touching the blood that was scattered on the ground. It is not that old yet. Kaito saw the knife and picked it up.
"Kei, what did you do to yourself?" He wondered aloud.
Then he noticed the portal. It looked frightening.
The portal looked mysterious and dark.

Kaito wanted to go in, but the portal did not let him pass. He tried a few times with his arm or foot, could only touch the surface. But he couldn't get through it.
"Let me try" said Kou.
"I don't think that's going to work ..."
before he could say Kou's name, his hand went through it effortlessly.
"Incredibly the portal seems to keep ordinary people out. I think you will have to go Kou," said Kaito.
Wait a minute, I'm afraid of heights ... and who knows how deep the other side is. " Kou sputtered.
"Then do it for our friend .. if I could I would have gone."
"Alright," Kou sighed.
"Hey wait," Kaito gave him the knife they had found. "take this with you. You never know what you'll find inside."
Kou nodded his eyes and jumped into the portal.

inside the portal was a world in black windings.
Kou jumped in. He searched the room for some view of Kei.

When he thought of giving up, he saw something. An IBM? It has caught someone like a spider's prey. Packaged in a cocoon made from bandages.
Yet he recognized him immediately. "Kei! Are you okay?" He didn't answer. "Don't worry, I'll cut the tapes off you," he took the knife Kai had given earlier and cut the tapes off Kei. He didn't seem well, unconscious and weak.
Kou lifted Kei and went looking for a way out.
From the depressive dimension as quickly as possible. Are you all right there? It was the voice of Kai. It felt like the dementia was trying to keep them imprisoned.
There must be a way out.
They were outside the portal. Kou still held Kei in his arms and Kei seemed to be recovering.
"Oh, Kei ... "Kai looked at him as Kei opened his eyes." Can you stand? "He wanted to try, but collapsed with a painful cry.
Kai helped him to his feet. Deep clawprints from the IBM were visibly carved into Kei's side. it looked painful and bloody.
Kai gave him a concerned look and ran his hand over Kei's cheek. "Kai, you're here ... But why?"
"Because I care about you ..
thanks to your buddy I remembered how dear you are to me. "
Kei smiled vaguely at both of them. He still felt weak as he spoke.
"thanks guys. you two are the best friends I could wish for."

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