the End Of the War...

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Satou was defeated.
Even though he could never really die. He was no longer a cause of trouble. He had repented.
Instead of attacking innocent people. He had once again joined the army. Now ajin were accepted by the people. They didn't have to hide anymore. Kou and Kei were packing their work at the small organization that they had formed at the time with Mr. Tosaki, Izumi, and all others was over.
Everyone was free going their own way from now on and here is where it starts.


Kei pov :

At the time I've met Kou,
I often got annoyed by him.
Until I started to see the fun things in his annoying behavior.

A while later, I got used to him although, I didn't appreciated all of his behavior immediately. Like when he teased, I could still react as if I was made of stone. I learned to deal with it. I think I was able to because, all stress from the battles was gone. We were able to laugh together from time to time.  I learned to deal with it. I think I was able to because, all stress from the battles was gone.

Our friendship had only begun about a week ago ..
I longed to see Kaito again, but despite the fact that I now saw Kou as a friend,
I still didn't want him to see my tears when I was alone.
I think that was due the fact that I had learned at young age, not to share such emotions.

For the first time, we interacted normally with each other. Although he still had a few annoying factors, they bothered me less.
As long as he didn't nag about girls, I could tolerate his presence.

Kou is such a person who sees through people.
He brought the child within me back to life.
In a way only he could, he helped me see that. I hadn't changed from the start, I just dealt differently with things.
Something that I had carefully repressed...
And yet he caused me to be a little more open; step by step.

"You will be happy. You will finally get that peaceful life that you have always dreamed of ..." Kou began. 

"Yes ... I'm really looking forward to it." I replied.                                                                    "Have you thought about what you want to do with your life from now?" Kou asked. 

"Yes, I did so actually" I answered.
"I want to become a doctor, a surgeon to be precisely.
Just like my dad." he continued.
"So, you will go study again?" Kou asked me.
"Yeah.. but first I need to do something else. I have to see someone."
"Do you mean your other friend?"
"Ye- yeah.. I have to make things up with him. He must have been worried."
"If you had told me this last year, I would have thought the opposite; with that attitude you used to have..." Kou replied.

"Hey!" I raised a fist at Kou, but before I did do something, I calmed down.

"I did not mean it like that.
You've changed and I mean that in the positive sense. "
Kou said, smiling at Kei.
"You know, I'm going to miss you, Kou " Kei said in a calm tone.
"Aah that's sweet! Kei kept Kou from giving a hug too suddenly. "That's not necessary," he said, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

A while later....

Kei pov :

A familiar sound filled the air as Kaito arrived on his motorbike, and my heart was lifted. My friend had come for me, at least that's what I thought...
Kai took of his helmet, and walked up towards the building. I ran up to him.

"Kai! I'am so glad to see you."
"Oh, hi Kei..." It sounded plane.
"Is something the matter?"
"No, I just came to say goodbye..."
"Oh... wait, what?! Why?"
I didn't understand. I thought he had come to get away with me, but this...
I wanted to tell him, how I felt about him.. such things are never easy, but I had to try at least.

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