"I hate to be that bitch but we've been walking for hours and if we don't take a break soon we're going to have a problem," I complain. Sam turns the camera back on and faces it at himself.

"Alright guys, we've been walking for a while. Since there's not a specific place to go to, I think its time for surprise number 2. Here, take this." Sam passes the camera to Colby and his flashlight to me.

I watch as Sam pulls out a familiar brown box.

"You fucking brought the ouija board? I thought you two got rid of it." I say stepping back a bit.

"I thought so too, but I guess we didn't." Colby has the camera on me as I hand Sam his flashlight back.

"Well, I'm not touching it. Have fun with— What was that?" I'm cut off by the sound of something hitting the ground hard.

"Pinecones?" Colby suggests.

"These aren't pine trees, babe," I say pointing my light up. Another loud sound appears near us.

"They're rocks," Sam says pointing his light on a rock.

"Flash your lights around us," Colby commands. We shine our lights in the perimeter surround us but nothing but the thick forest can be seen.

"Turn your lights off and run," Sam whispers. Immediately we shut our lights off and begin sprinting.

Walking through the forest with our lights was hard enough. Trying to run the same path without any guides is worse. We passed a ledge to get here and now I'm scared one of us is going to fall off of it.

My foot hits something and causes me to lose my balance and my flashlight. I notice something that I didn't before, its quiet. The only thing I can hear is my own breathing. I don't know when but I lost Sam and Colby. I strain my ears hoping to hear them in the distance but I don't. I pat the ground and look for the flashlight. After grasping at the dirt and leaves my hand wraps around the cool metal. I try to turn it on but it refused to light. Not only did I lose Sam and Colby, but I also don't have a flashlight. I left my phone in the car because I thought it would be better. I am a complete dumbass.

I search my backpack for anything that could help. My fingers brush my vlog camera that I know has a light attached. I swap the camera and the flashlight and put my backpack back on. I fumble around with the buttons to turn the light on and the camera. I manage to get them both on and set the camera to the light to the lowest setting so I don't track attention. I face the camera toward me.

"Hey, guys. I'm hoping that Sam and Colby aren't pranking me right now because I'm absolutely terrified. You're both in deep shit if this is a prank. Just in case this is real and I die I'm just going to explain what just happened." I start walking a bit. Maybe I stumble onto the path that leads back to the car where hopefully are where Sam and Colby are.

"By the way, if I die and Sam and Colby live and find this footage, you have all my permission to use this in the video. Anyway, what basically happened is that I was invited to go on an exploring video with Sam and Colby. I wasn't told what exactly we were going to be doing or where we were going. I honestly thought we would get to go to a hotel because that is safer and there is a bed to sleep on." I look at the ground to make sure I don't fall down the shortish drop near me.

"Jokes on me because dumb and dumber bring me to a haunted forest where apparently lots of people died. We were hiking for over an hour without anything really happening. That's when Sam brings out the fucking ouija board that I thought I watched Colby throw away when I was helping him pack. Suddenly, rocks are falling or being thrown at us or whatever so Sam suggests that we turn off our lights and run. And then I fell and broke my flashlight and realized that I'm alone in a forest without my phone. And here we are." I play with the light so that the camera is still on me but the light is faced in front of me. Some of the light pokes through the back and lights my face up a little bit.

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